Articles | Volume 12, issue 4
Research article
26 Jul 2016
Research article |  | 26 Jul 2016

Developing European operational oceanography for Blue Growth, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and ecosystem-based management

Jun She, Icarus Allen, Erik Buch, Alessandro Crise, Johnny A. Johannessen, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Urmas Lips, Glenn Nolan, Nadia Pinardi, Jan H. Reißmann, John Siddorn, Emil Stanev, and Henning Wehde

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An assessment of the variability in temperature and salinity of the Baltic Sea from a simulation with data assimilation for the period 1990 to 2020
Ye Liu, Lars Axell, and Jun She
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Nemo-Nordic 2.0: operational marine forecast model for the Baltic Sea
Tuomas Kärnä, Patrik Ljungemyr, Saeed Falahat, Ida Ringgaard, Lars Axell, Vasily Korabel, Jens Murawski, Ilja Maljutenko, Anja Lindenthal, Simon Jandt-Scheelke, Svetlana Verjovkina, Ina Lorkowski, Priidik Lagemaa, Jun She, Laura Tuomi, Adam Nord, and Vibeke Huess
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Approach: Operational Oceanography | Depth range: All Depths | Geographical range: All Geographic Regions | Phenomena: Temperature, Salinity and Density Fields
Recent updates to the Copernicus Marine Service global ocean monitoring and forecasting real-time 1∕12° high-resolution system
Jean-Michel Lellouche, Eric Greiner, Olivier Le Galloudec, Gilles Garric, Charly Regnier, Marie Drevillon, Mounir Benkiran, Charles-Emmanuel Testut, Romain Bourdalle-Badie, Florent Gasparin, Olga Hernandez, Bruno Levier, Yann Drillet, Elisabeth Remy, and Pierre-Yves Le Traon
Ocean Sci., 14, 1093–1126,,, 2018
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Research priorities in support of ocean monitoring and forecasting at the Met Office
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Cited articles

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Chapron, B., Bingham, A., Collard, F., Donlan, C., Johannessen, J. A., Piolle, J.-F. and Reul, N.: Examples of Ocean Remote Sensing Data Integration, OceanObs09, Venice Italy, 21–25 September 2009, ESA Publication WPP-306, 2010.
Short summary
This white paper addresses key scientific challenges and research priorities for the development of operational oceanography in Europe for the next 5–10 years. Knowledge gaps and deficiencies are identified in relation to common scientific challenges in four EuroGOOS knowledge areas: European ocean observations, modelling and forecasting technology, coastal operational oceanography, and operational ecology.