Articles | Volume 12, issue 5
Research article
09 Sep 2016
Research article |  | 09 Sep 2016

DUACS DT2014: the new multi-mission altimeter data set reprocessed over 20 years

Marie-Isabelle Pujol, Yannice Faugère, Guillaume Taburet, Stéphanie Dupuy, Camille Pelloquin, Michael Ablain, and Nicolas Picot

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Changes in the Gulf Stream path over the last three decades
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Revised manuscript accepted for SP
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DUACS DT2021 reprocessed altimetry improves sea level retrieval in the coastal band of the European seas
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Global submesoscale diagnosis using along-track satellite altimetry
Oscar Vergara, Rosemary Morrow, Marie-Isabelle Pujol, Gérald Dibarboure, and Clément Ubelmann
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Refining the resolution of DUACS along track (level 3) altimeter Sea Level products
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Cited articles

Ablain, M., Philipps, S., Picot, N., and Bronner, E.: Jason-2 global statistical assessment and cross-calibration with Jason-1, Mar. Geod., OSTM Jason-2 Calibration/Validation Special Edition – Part 1, 33, 162–185,, 2010.
Arbic, B. K., Scott, R. B., Chelton, D. B., Richman, J. G., and Shriver, J. F.: Effects on stencil width on surface ocean geostrophic velocity and vorticity estimation from gridded satellite altimeter data, J. Geophys. Res., 117, C03029,, 2012.
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Aviso/DUACS: User Handbook Ssalto/Duacs: M(SLA) and M(ADT) Near-Real Time and Delayed-Time, SALP-MU-P-EA-21065-CLS, edition 4.1, May 2014, available at: (last access: 12 July 2015), 2014.