Articles | Volume 17, issue 4
Research article
27 Aug 2021
Research article |  | 27 Aug 2021

Evaluating high-frequency radar data assimilation impact in coastal ocean operational modelling

Jaime Hernandez-Lasheras, Baptiste Mourre, Alejandro Orfila, Alex Santana, Emma Reyes, and Joaquín Tintoré

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Cited articles

Aguiar, E., Mourre, B., Juza, M., Reyes, E., Hernández-Lasheras, J., Cutolo, E., Mason, E., and Tintoré, J.: Multi-platform model assessment in the Western Mediterranean Sea: impact of downscaling on the surface circulation and mesoscale activity, Ocean Dynam., 70, 273–288,, 2019. a, b
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Balbín, R., López-Jurado, J. L., Flexas, M. M., Reglero, P., Vélez-Velchí, P., González-Pola, C., Rodríguez, J. M., García, A., and Alemany, F.: Interannual variability of the early summer circulation around the Balearic Islands: Driving factors and potential effects on the marine ecosystem, J. Mar. Syst., 138, 70–81,, 2014. a
Barrick, D. E.: 30 Years of CMTC and COPAR, Proceedings of the IEEE Working Conference on Current Measurement Technology, 131–136,, 2008. a
Barth, A., Alvera-Azcárate, A., and Weisberg, R. H.: Assimilation of high-frequency radar currents in a nested model of the West Florida Shelf, J. Geophys. Res.-Ocean., 113, 1–15,, 2008. a, b
Short summary
Correct surface ocean circulation forecasts are highly relevant to search and rescue, oil spills, and ecological processes, among other things. High-frequency radar (HFR) is a remote sensing technology that measures surface currents in coastal areas with high temporal and spatial resolution. We performed a series of experiments in which we use HFR observations from the Ibiza Channel to improve the forecasts provided by a regional ocean model in the western Mediterranean.