Articles | Volume 13, issue 4
Research article
06 Jul 2017
Research article |  | 06 Jul 2017

Decadal oxygen change in the eastern tropical North Atlantic

Johannes Hahn, Peter Brandt, Sunke Schmidtko, and Gerd Krahmann

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Preprint withdrawn
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Approach: In situ Observations | Depth range: Thermocline | Geographical range: Deep Seas: North Atlantic | Phenomena: Current Field
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Argo: Argo float data and metadata from Global Data Assembly Centre (Argo GDAC), SEANOE, 2000, available at:, last access: March 2016.
Ascani, F., Firing, E., Dutrieux, P., McCreary, J. P., and Ishida, A.: Deep Equatorial Ocean Circulation Induced by a Forced-Dissipated Yanai Beam, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 40, 1118–1142,, 2010.
Ascani, F., Firing, E., McCreary, J. P., Brandt, P., and Greatbatch, R. J.: The Deep Equatorial Ocean Circulation in Wind-Forced Numerical Solutions, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 45, 1709–1734,, 2015.
Aviso, MADT-H-UV: Maps of Absolute Dynamic Topography & absolute geostrophic velocities, available at:, last access: July 2016.
Banyte, D., Tanhua, T., Visbeck, M., Wallace, D. W. R., Karstensen, J., Krahmann, G., Schneider, A., Stramma, L., and Dengler, M.: Diapycnal diffusivity at the upper boundary of the tropical North Atlantic oxygen minimum zone, J. Geophys. Res.-Ocean., 117, C09016,, 2012.
Short summary
Recent studies have shown that the eastern tropical North Atlantic is subject to a strong decrease of the oceanic oxygen concentration in the upper 1000 m from the 1960s to today. By analyzing a broad observational data set, this study found an even stronger oxygen decrease in the upper 400 m throughout the past decade, whereas oxygen increase was found below (400–1000 m). Changes in the strength of the zonal currents are the most likely reason for the observed decadal oxygen changes.