Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
Research article
04 Jul 2014
Research article |  | 04 Jul 2014

Residual circulation and freshwater transport in the Dutch Wadden Sea: a numerical modelling study

M. Duran-Matute, T. Gerkema, G. J. de Boer, J. J. Nauw, and U. Gräwe

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Approach: Numerical Models | Depth range: Shelf-sea depth | Geographical range: Shelf Seas | Phenomena: Current Field
Circulation of the European northwest shelf: a Lagrangian perspective
Marcel Ricker and Emil V. Stanev
Ocean Sci., 16, 637–655,,, 2020
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Dynamical connections between large marine ecosystems of austral South America based on numerical simulations
Karen Guihou, Alberto R. Piola, Elbio D. Palma, and Maria Paz Chidichimo
Ocean Sci., 16, 271–290,,, 2020
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Numerical issues of the Total Exchange Flow (TEF) analysis framework for quantifying estuarine circulation
Marvin Lorenz, Knut Klingbeil, Parker MacCready, and Hans Burchard
Ocean Sci., 15, 601–614,,, 2019
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Large-scale forcing of the European Slope Current and associated inflows to the North Sea
Robert Marsh, Ivan D. Haigh, Stuart A. Cunningham, Mark E. Inall, Marie Porter, and Ben I. Moat
Ocean Sci., 13, 315–335,,, 2017
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Different approaches to model the nearshore circulation in the south shore of O'ahu, Hawaii
Joao Marcos Azevedo Correia de Souza and Brian Powell
Ocean Sci., 13, 31–46,,, 2017
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Cited articles

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