Articles | Volume 14, issue 5
Research article
16 Oct 2018
Research article |  | 16 Oct 2018

Joint analysis of coastal altimetry and high-frequency (HF) radar data: observability of seasonal and mesoscale ocean dynamics in the Bay of Biscay

Ivan Manso-Narvarte, Ainhoa Caballero, Anna Rubio, Claire Dufau, and Florence Birol

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Ocean Sci., 17, 849–870,,, 2021
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3D reconstruction of ocean velocity from high-frequency radar and acoustic Doppler current profiler: a model-based assessment study
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Approach: Remote Sensing | Depth range: Surface | Geographical range: Deep Seas: North Atlantic | Phenomena: Current Field
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Variability in the air–sea interaction patterns and timescales within the south-eastern Bay of Biscay, as observed by HF radar data
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Cited articles

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Caballero, A., Espino, M., Sagarminaga, Y., Ferrer, L., Uriarte, A., and Gonzalez, M.: Simulating the migration of drifters deployed in the Bay of Biscay, during the Prestige crisis, Mar. Pollut. Bull., 56, 475–482,, 2008a. 
Caballero, A., Pascual, A., Dibarboure, G., and Espino, M.: Sea level and Eddy Kinetic Energy variability in the Bay of Biscay, inferred from satellite altimeter data, J. Marine Syst., 72, 116–134, 2008b. 
Caballero, A., Ferrer, L., Rubio, A., Charria, G., Taylor, B. H., and Grima, N.: Monitoring of a quasi-stationary eddy in the Bay of Biscay by means of satellite, in situ and model results, Deep-Sea Res. Pt. II, 106, 23–37,, 2014. 
Short summary
Our main aim is to compare two different measuring systems of the surface ocean currents: land-based, high-frequency radar and satellite altimetry. Results show that the surface currents detected by both systems agree up to a 70 %, mostly in areas of persistent currents. This work is a first step in the combination of both technologies for an improved monitoring of the coastal surface ocean dynamics.