Articles | Volume 20, issue 4
Research article
13 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 13 Aug 2024

An emerging pathway of Atlantic Water to the Barents Sea through the Svalbard Archipelago: drivers and variability

Kjersti Kalhagen, Ragnheid Skogseth, Till M. Baumann, Eva Falck, and Ilker Fer


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Short summary
Atlantic water (AW) is a key driver of change in the Barents Sea. We studied an emerging pathway through the Svalbard Archipelago that allows AW to enter the Barents Sea. We found that the Atlantic sector near the study site has warmed over the past 2 decades; that Atlantic-origin waters intermittently enter the Barents Sea through the aforementioned pathway; and that heat transport is driven by tides, wind events, and variations in the upstream current system.