Articles | Volume 20, issue 3
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Observed change and the extent of coherence in the Gulf Stream system
Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway
Tor Eldevik
Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway
Johanne Skrefsrud
Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway
Helen L. Johnson
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Alejandra Sanchez-Franks
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK
Related authors
Johannes Röhrs, Knut-Frode Dagestad, Helene Asbjørnsen, Tor Nordam, Jørgen Skancke, Cathleen E. Jones, and Camilla Brekke
Ocean Sci., 14, 1581–1601,,, 2018
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Simulations of hypothetical oil spills are presented to investigate how the vertical mixing of oil affects transport towards various directions. It is shown that the horizontal transport of oil greatly varies for different oil types and weather conditions. These differences are a consequence of the entrainment of oil from the surface into the ocean. While oil spills often get entrained into the water by waves, we show that submerged oil typically resurfaces after a few hours or days.
Oliver John Tooth, Helen Louise Johnson, and Chris Wilson
EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Ocean Science (OS).
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The North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre (SPG) forms dense water as part of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. To explore the factors controlling dense water formation around the SPG, we trace the pathways of virtual water parcels in a high-resolution ocean model. We show that the amount of dense water formed around the SPG depends principally on the availability of light waters flowing northward, such that a stronger SPG circulation results in more dense water formation along-stream.
Peter M. F. Sheehan, Benjamin G. M. Webber, Alejandra Sanchez-Franks, and Bastien Y. Queste
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Using measurements and computer models, we identify a large flux of oxygen within the Southwest Monsoon Current, which flows north into the Bay of Bengal between June and September each year. Oxygen levels in the Bay are very low, but not quite low enough for key nutrient cycles to be as dramatically altered as in other low-oxygen regions. We suggest that the flux we identify contributes to keeping oxygen levels in the Bay above the threshold below which dramatic changes would occur.
Yavor Kostov, Marie-José Messias, Herlé Mercier, David P. Marshall, and Helen L. Johnson
Ocean Sci., 20, 521–547,,, 2024
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We examine factors affecting variability in the volume of Labrador Sea Water (LSW), a water mass that is important for the uptake and storage of heat and carbon in the Atlantic Ocean. We find that LSW accumulated in the Labrador Sea exhibits a lagged response to remote conditions: surface wind stress, heat flux, and freshwater flux anomalies, especially along the pathways of the North Atlantic Current branches. We use our results to reconstruct and attribute historical changes in LSW volume.
Oliver John Tooth, Helen Louise Johnson, Chris Wilson, and Dafydd Gwyn Evans
Ocean Sci., 19, 769–791,,, 2023
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This study uses the trajectories of water parcels traced within an ocean model simulation to identify the pathways responsible for the seasonal cycle of dense water formation (overturning) in the eastern subpolar North Atlantic. We show that overturning seasonality is due to the fastest water parcels circulating within the eastern basins in less than 8.5 months. Slower pathways set the average strength of overturning in this region since water parcels cannot escape intense wintertime cooling.
Bjørg Risebrobakken, Mari F. Jensen, Helene R. Langehaug, Tor Eldevik, Anne Britt Sandø, Camille Li, Andreas Born, Erin Louise McClymont, Ulrich Salzmann, and Stijn De Schepper
Clim. Past, 19, 1101–1123,,, 2023
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In the observational period, spatially coherent sea surface temperatures characterize the northern North Atlantic at multidecadal timescales. We show that spatially non-coherent temperature patterns are seen both in further projections and a past warm climate period with a CO2 level comparable to the future low-emission scenario. Buoyancy forcing is shown to be important for northern North Atlantic temperature patterns.
Noam S. Vogt-Vincent, Satoshi Mitarai, and Helen L. Johnson
EGUsphere,,, 2023
Preprint archived
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Coral larvae can drift through ocean currents between coral reefs, establishing connectivity, which plays an important role in coral reef resilience. However, larval transport is chaotic. We simulate coral spawning events across the tropical southwest Indian Ocean for almost three decades, and find that larval transport can vary massively from day-to-day. This variability is largely random, and this introduces a lot of uncertainty in connectivity predictions.
Noam S. Vogt-Vincent and Helen L. Johnson
Geosci. Model Dev., 16, 1163–1178,,, 2023
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Ocean currents transport things over large distances across the ocean surface. Predicting this transport is key for tackling many environmental problems, such as marine plastic pollution and coral reef resilience. However, doing this requires a good understanding ocean currents, which is currently lacking. Here, we present and validate state-of-the-art simulations for surface currents in the southwestern Indian Ocean, which will support future marine dispersal studies across this region.
Alan D. Fox, Patricia Handmann, Christina Schmidt, Neil Fraser, Siren Rühs, Alejandra Sanchez-Franks, Torge Martin, Marilena Oltmanns, Clare Johnson, Willi Rath, N. Penny Holliday, Arne Biastoch, Stuart A. Cunningham, and Igor Yashayaev
Ocean Sci., 18, 1507–1533,,, 2022
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Observations of the eastern subpolar North Atlantic in the 2010s show exceptional freshening and cooling of the upper ocean, peaking in 2016 with the lowest salinities recorded for 120 years. Using results from a high-resolution ocean model, supported by observations, we propose that the leading cause is reduced surface cooling over the preceding decade in the Labrador Sea, leading to increased outflow of less dense water and so to freshening and cooling of the eastern subpolar North Atlantic.
Helen E. Phillips, Amit Tandon, Ryo Furue, Raleigh Hood, Caroline C. Ummenhofer, Jessica A. Benthuysen, Viviane Menezes, Shijian Hu, Ben Webber, Alejandra Sanchez-Franks, Deepak Cherian, Emily Shroyer, Ming Feng, Hemantha Wijesekera, Abhisek Chatterjee, Lisan Yu, Juliet Hermes, Raghu Murtugudde, Tomoki Tozuka, Danielle Su, Arvind Singh, Luca Centurioni, Satya Prakash, and Jerry Wiggert
Ocean Sci., 17, 1677–1751,,, 2021
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Over the past decade, understanding of the Indian Ocean has progressed through new observations and advances in theory and models of the oceanic and atmospheric circulation. This review brings together new understanding of the ocean–atmosphere system in the Indian Ocean, describing Indian Ocean circulation patterns, air–sea interactions, climate variability, and the critical role of the Indian Ocean as a clearing house for anthropogenic heat.
Ingo Bethke, Yiguo Wang, François Counillon, Noel Keenlyside, Madlen Kimmritz, Filippa Fransner, Annette Samuelsen, Helene Langehaug, Lea Svendsen, Ping-Gin Chiu, Leilane Passos, Mats Bentsen, Chuncheng Guo, Alok Gupta, Jerry Tjiputra, Alf Kirkevåg, Dirk Olivié, Øyvind Seland, Julie Solsvik Vågane, Yuanchao Fan, and Tor Eldevik
Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 7073–7116,,, 2021
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The Norwegian Climate Prediction Model version 1 (NorCPM1) is a new research tool for performing climate reanalyses and seasonal-to-decadal climate predictions. It adds data assimilation capability to the Norwegian Earth System Model version 1 (NorESM1) and has contributed output to the Decadal Climate Prediction Project (DCPP) as part of the sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). We describe the system and evaluate its baseline, reanalysis and prediction performance.
Alejandra Sanchez-Franks, Eleanor Frajka-Williams, Ben I. Moat, and David A. Smeed
Ocean Sci., 17, 1321–1340,,, 2021
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In the North Atlantic, ocean currents carry warm surface waters northward and return cooler deep waters southward. This type of ocean circulation, known as overturning, is important for the Earth’s climate. This overturning has been measured using a mooring array at 26° N in the North Atlantic since 2004. Here we use these mooring data and global satellite data to produce a new method for monitoring the overturning over longer timescales, which could potentially be applied to different latitudes.
Jack Giddings, Karen J. Heywood, Adrian J. Matthews, Manoj M. Joshi, Benjamin G. M. Webber, Alejandra Sanchez-Franks, Brian A. King, and Puthenveettil N. Vinayachandran
Ocean Sci., 17, 871–890,,, 2021
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Little is known about the impact of chlorophyll on SST in the Bay of Bengal (BoB). Solar irradiance measured by an ocean glider and three Argo floats is used to determine the effect of chlorophyll on BoB SST during the 2016 summer monsoon. The Southwest Monsoon Current has high chlorophyll concentrations (∼0.5 mg m−3) and shallow solar penetration depths (∼14 m). Ocean mixed layer model simulations show that SST increases by 0.35°C per month, with the potential to influence monsoon rainfall.
Ben I. Moat, David A. Smeed, Eleanor Frajka-Williams, Damien G. Desbruyères, Claudie Beaulieu, William E. Johns, Darren Rayner, Alejandra Sanchez-Franks, Molly O. Baringer, Denis Volkov, Laura C. Jackson, and Harry L. Bryden
Ocean Sci., 16, 863–874,,, 2020
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The RAPID 26° N array has been measuring the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) since 2004. Since 2009 the AMOC has, compared with previous years, been in a low state. In 2013–2015, in the northern North Atlantic, strong cooling was observed in the ocean and anticipated to intensify the strength of the AMOC some years later. Here, we analyse the latest results from 26° N and conclude that while the AMOC has increased since 2009, this increase is not statistically significant.
Johannes Röhrs, Knut-Frode Dagestad, Helene Asbjørnsen, Tor Nordam, Jørgen Skancke, Cathleen E. Jones, and Camilla Brekke
Ocean Sci., 14, 1581–1601,,, 2018
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Simulations of hypothetical oil spills are presented to investigate how the vertical mixing of oil affects transport towards various directions. It is shown that the horizontal transport of oil greatly varies for different oil types and weather conditions. These differences are a consequence of the entrainment of oil from the surface into the ocean. While oil spills often get entrained into the water by waves, we show that submerged oil typically resurfaces after a few hours or days.
Related subject area
Approach: In situ Observations | Properties and processes: Overturning circulation, gyres and water masses
Hydrographic section along 55° E in the Indian and Southern oceans
Circulation of Baffin Bay and Hudson Bay waters on the Labrador shelf and into the subpolar North Atlantic
Continued warming of deep waters in the Fram Strait
Anomalous North Pacific subtropical mode water volume and density decrease in a recent stable Kuroshio Extension period from Argo observations
New insights into the eastern subpolar North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation from OVIDE
The Southern Ocean deep mixing band emerges from a competition between winter buoyancy loss and upper stratification strength
Comparing observed and modelled components of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at 26° N
Water properties and bottom water patterns in hadal trench environments
Long-term eddy modulation affects the meridional asymmetry of the halocline in the Beaufort Gyre
Technical note: Determining Arctic Ocean halocline and cold halostad depths based on vertical stability
The Iceland–Faroe warm-water flow towards the Arctic estimated from satellite altimetry and in situ observations
Katsuro Katsumata, Shigeru Aoki, Kay I. Ohshima, and Michiyo Yamamoto-Kawai
Ocean Sci., 21, 419–436,,, 2025
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Ship-based observations provide data of seawater properties like temperature, salinity, nutrients, and various gases, but some important world oceans have still not been covered. A voyage in 2019/20 in the southwest Indian Ocean along approximately 55° E from 30° S to Antarctica attempted to fill one such data-sparse region. The measured cross section of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and accompanying eddies demonstrates various oceanic behaviours including fronts and eddy mixing.
Elodie Duyck, Nicholas P. Foukal, and Eleanor Frajka-Williams
Ocean Sci., 21, 241–260,,, 2025
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This study uses drifters – instruments that follow surface ocean currents – to investigate the pathways of Arctic origin waters that enter the North Atlantic west of Greenland. It shows that these waters remain close to the coast as they flow over the Labrador shelf and only spread into the open ocean south of the Labrador Sea. These results contribute to better understanding how the North Atlantic will be affected by additional freshwater from Greenland and the Arctic in the coming decades.
Salar Karam, Céline Heuzé, Mario Hoppmann, and Laura de Steur
Ocean Sci., 20, 917–930,,, 2024
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A long-term mooring array in the Fram Strait allows for an evaluation of decadal trends in temperature in this major oceanic gateway into the Arctic. Since the 1980s, the deep waters of the Greenland Sea and the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic have warmed rapidly at a rate of 0.11°C and 0.05°C per decade, respectively, at a depth of 2500 m. We show that the temperatures of the two basins converged around 2017 and that the deep waters of the Greenland Sea are now a heat source for the Arctic Ocean.
Jing Sheng, Cong Liu, Yanzhen Gu, Peiliang Li, Fangguo Zhai, and Ning Zhou
Ocean Sci., 20, 817–834,,, 2024
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The homogeneous water column, named mode water, retains atmosphere conditions and biogeochemical elements from the deep winter mixed layer and became weaker and warmer in the North Pacific subtropical ocean in 2018–2021 even though the Kuroshio Extension was stable. Locally anomalous east wind transporting warm water to the north and enhanced near-surface stratification hinder the deepening of the winter mixed layer. This study has broad implications for climate change and biogeochemical cycles.
Herlé Mercier, Damien Desbruyères, Pascale Lherminier, Antón Velo, Lidia Carracedo, Marcos Fontela, and Fiz F. Pérez
Ocean Sci., 20, 779–797,,, 2024
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We study the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) measured between Greenland and Portugal between 1993–2021. We identify changes in AMOC limb volume and velocity as two major drivers of AMOC variability at subpolar latitudes. Volume variations dominate on the seasonal timescale, while velocity variations are more important on the decadal timescale. This decomposition proves useful for understanding the origin of the differences between AMOC time series from different analyses.
Romain Caneill, Fabien Roquet, and Jonas Nycander
Ocean Sci., 20, 601–619,,, 2024
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In winter, heat loss increases density at the surface of the Southern Ocean. This increase in density creates a mixed layer deeper than 250 m only in a narrow deep mixing band (DMB) located around 50° S. North of the DMB, the stratification is too strong to be eroded, so mixed layers are shallower. The density of cold water is almost not impacted by temperature changes. Thus, heat loss does not significantly increase the density south of the DMB, so no deep mixed layers are produced.
Harry Bryden, Jordi Beunk, Sybren Drijfhout, Wilco Hazeleger, and Jennifer Mecking
Ocean Sci., 20, 589–599,,, 2024
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There is widespread interest in whether the Gulf Stream will decline under global warming. We analyse 19 coupled climate model projections of the AMOC over the 21st century. The model consensus is that the AMOC will decline by about 40 % due to reductions in northward Gulf Stream transport and southward deep western boundary current transport. Whilst the wind-driven Gulf Stream decreases by 4 Sv, most of the decrease in the Gulf Stream is due to a reduction of 7 Sv in its thermohaline component.
Jessica Kolbusz, Jan Zika, Charitha Pattiaratchi, and Alan Jamieson
Ocean Sci., 20, 123–140,,, 2024
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We collected observations of the ocean environment at depths over 6000 m in the Southern Ocean, Indian Ocean, and western Pacific using sensor-equipped landers. We found that trench locations impact the water characteristics over these depths. Moving northward, they generally warmed but differed due to their position along bottom water circulation paths. These insights stress the importance of further research in understanding the environment of these deep regions and their importance.
Jinling Lu, Ling Du, and Shuhao Tao
Ocean Sci., 19, 1773–1789,,, 2023
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With the recent developments in observations and reanalysis data in the Beaufort Gyre, we investigate an improved understanding of eddy activity and asymmetrical halocline variability in the upper ocean. The halocline structures on the southern and northern sides of the central gyre have tended to be identical since 2014. The results suggest that enhanced eddy modulation through eddy fluxes influences oceanic stratification, resulting in reduced meridional asymmetry of the halocline.
Enrico P. Metzner and Marc Salzmann
Ocean Sci., 19, 1453–1464,,, 2023
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The Arctic Ocean cold halocline separates the cold surface mixed layer from the underlying warm Atlantic Water, and thus provides a precondition for sea ice formation. Here, we introduce a new method for detecting the halocline base and compare it to two existing methods. We show that the largest differences between the methods are found in the regions that are most prone to a halocline retreat in a warming climate, and we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the three methods.
Bogi Hansen, Karin M. H. Larsen, Hjálmar Hátún, Steffen M. Olsen, Andrea M. U. Gierisch, Svein Østerhus, and Sólveig R. Ólafsdóttir
Ocean Sci., 19, 1225–1252,,, 2023
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Based on in situ observations combined with sea level anomaly (SLA) data from satellite altimetry, volume as well as heat (relative to 0 °C) transport of the Iceland–Faroe warm-water inflow towards the Arctic (IF inflow) increased from 1993 to 2021. The reprocessed SLA data released in December 2021 represent observed variations accurately. The IF inflow crosses the Iceland–Faroe Ridge in two branches, with retroflection in between. The associated coupling to overflow reduces predictability.
Cited articles
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Short summary
The Gulf Stream system is essential for northward ocean heat transport. Here, we use observations along the path of the extended Gulf Stream system and an observationally constrained ocean model to investigate variability in the Gulf Stream system since the 1990s. We find regional differences in the variability between the subtropical, subpolar, and Nordic Seas regions, which warrants caution in using observational records at a single latitude to infer large-scale circulation change.
The Gulf Stream system is essential for northward ocean heat transport. Here, we use...