Articles | Volume 19, issue 3
Research article
26 May 2023
Research article |  | 26 May 2023

Ocean color algorithm for the retrieval of the particle size distribution and carbon-based phytoplankton size classes using a two-component coated-sphere backscattering model

Tihomir S. Kostadinov, Lisl Robertson Lain, Christina Eunjin Kong, Xiaodong Zhang, Stéphane Maritorena, Stewart Bernard, Hubert Loisel, Daniel S. F. Jorge, Ekaterina Kochetkova, Shovonlal Roy, Bror Jonsson, Victor Martinez-Vicente, and Shubha Sathyendranath


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Short summary
We present a remote sensing algorithm to estimate the size distribution of particles suspended in natural near-surface ocean water using ocean color data. The algorithm can be used to estimate the abundance and carbon content of phytoplankton, photosynthesizing microorganisms that are at the basis of the marine food web and play an important role in Earth’s carbon cycle and climate. A merged, multi-sensor satellite data set and the model scientific code are provided.