Articles | Volume 19, issue 2
Research article
17 Apr 2023
Research article |  | 17 Apr 2023

Intraseasonal variability of the South Vietnam upwelling, South China Sea: influence of atmospheric forcing and ocean intrinsic variability

Marine Herrmann, Thai To Duy, and Claude Estournel

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The role of wind, mesoscale dynamics, and coastal circulation in the interannual variability of the South Vietnam Upwelling, South China Sea – answers from a high-resolution ocean model
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Cited articles

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Da, N. D., Herrmann, M., Morrow, R., Niño, F., Huan, N. M., and Trinh, N. Q.: Contributions of Wind, Ocean Intrinsic Variability, and ENSO to the Interannual Variability of the South Vietnam Upwelling: A Modeling Study, J. Geophys. Res.-Ocean., 124, 6545–6574,, 2019. 
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Short summary
The South Vietnam upwelling develops in summer along and off the Vietnamese coast. It brings cold and nutrient-rich waters to the surface, allowing photosynthesis essential to marine ecosystems and fishing resources. We show here that its daily variations are mainly due to the wind, thus predictable, in the southern shelf and coastal regions. However, they are more chaotic in the offshore area, and especially in the northern area, due to the influence of eddies of a highly chaotic nature.