Articles | Volume 19, issue 6
Research article
09 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 09 Nov 2023

Statistical analysis of dynamic behavior of continental shelf wave motions in the northern South China Sea

Junyi Li, Tao He, Quanan Zheng, Ying Xu, and Lingling Xie

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Cited articles

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Short summary
This study aims to analyze the statistical behavior of the continental shelf wave motions, including continental shelf waves (CSWs) and arrested topographic waves (ATWs), in the northern South China Sea. The cross-shelf structure of along-track SLAs indicates that Mode 1 of CSWs is the predominant component trapped in the area shallower than about 200 m. The cross-shelf structures of CSWs and ATWs illustrate that the methods are suitable for observing the dynamic behavior of the CSWs.