Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
Research article
16 Apr 2019
Research article |  | 16 Apr 2019

The global distribution of the M1 ocean tide

Philip L. Woodworth

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Approach: In situ Observations | Depth range: Surface | Geographical range: All Geographic Regions | Phenomena: Tides
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Cited articles

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Bell, C., Vassie, J. M., and Woodworth, P. L.: The Tidal Analysis Software Kit (TASK-2000 Package), National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool, 1998. 
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Short summary
This is the first investigation of the worldwide distribution of the degree-3 M1 ocean tide using over 800 tide gauge records and a global tide model. M1 is confirmed to have a geographical variation in the Atlantic and other basins consistent with the suggestion of Platzman and Cartwright that M1 is generated through the spatial and temporal overlap of M1 in the tidal potential and one (or at least a small number of) diurnal ocean normal mode(s).