Articles | Volume 8, issue 5
Research article
05 Sep 2012
Research article |  | 05 Sep 2012

Assimilating GlobColour ocean colour data into a pre-operational physical-biogeochemical model

D. A. Ford, K. P. Edwards, D. Lea, R. M. Barciela, M. J. Martin, and J. Demaria

Related subject area

Approach: Data Assimilation | Depth range: All Depths | Geographical range: All Geographic Regions | Phenomena: Biological Tracers
Towards an improved description of ocean uncertainties: effect of local anamorphic transformations on spatial correlations
J.-M. Brankart, C.-E. Testut, D. Béal, M. Doron, C. Fontana, M. Meinvielle, P. Brasseur, and J. Verron
Ocean Sci., 8, 121–142,,, 2012

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