I'm quite satisfied with the author's reponses to my review. I'm happy to recommend publication after addressing the minor typographic and clarifying issues listed below. The figures in particular are beautiful. I also really appreciate that the authors clearly separate their description of the observations from their interpretations of the meaning of those observations. Overall I think this is tightly argued and well presented piece of work on an important region.
10, omit "via"
54, "time series"
55, "flow onto the continental shelf and subsequently southward" would be better
59, I think that the authors are saying that the western pathway is estimated to contribute about 1/2 of the heat that is delivered to the FRIS; in this case, the "at the shelf break" could be omitted for clarity, or some other slight rewording
59, please provide a reference for the asserting beginning "CTD observations..."
67, I believe what is meant here is "Thus far, mWDW has only been observed at the ice fron thear 79 S once, in 2013". It's a little unclear what the "only" is intended to mean.
75, "sea ice"
77, "water masses"
80, Argo floats would not be suitable for a shelf study because of their typically deep profile depth, so it would be better to simply say "Autonomous instruments"
89, "infer" or "triangulate" would be better than "provide"
92, I think what the authors are meaning to say is that the approach taken in the present study is similar to that taken in a recent study in a different region, but that is not coming through in the current wording.
100, since you've aleady introduced the term Small Trough, perhaps use it here?
101, "but never directly measured" is better
109, "sea ice"
136, "transmitted a frequency-modulated signal" (no with) is better
140 and afterward, since TOA is used to refer to multiple times of arrive, I believe it should be written as TOAs is almost all cases (line 148 and 149 are exceptions)
150, "unrealistic records were removed", "time series"
151, please specify the bandwidth of the LOESS filter for reproducibility
157, "postition was estimated" or "inferred", not "computed"
164, it is not clear if "smoothed trajectories obtained from ... " is referring to the process just decribed. If it would be better to just say it like that. "raw TOA" is confusing because it sounds like you are now referring to a different processing
165, "time series"
175, "hydrographic"
177, Can you reword this without saying layers twice?
183, "sea-ice-covered" I believe
184, six hours is not the frequency; it is the sampling interval.
186, "open ocean"; "transmitting" is better than "emitting"
193, "the Small Trough"
217, "and a recirculation"
222, "regime of recirculation mWDW on the eastern shallow continental shelf" is better
225 & 226, "water mass"
232, "appears to be more efficient... compared to" is better
239, The clause after the colon is about transit time is awkward and would be better as an independent sentence that clarifies the meaning of "about two months"
242, "time series"
245, "mWDW range"
248, "that this region is the site of" or "that in this region there is" are better, since it is not the region that poses.
250, "that is dominated by"
256, "over the eastern flank of the Filcher trough" can be omitted.
258, ", however, "
259, ", hence turbulence mixing, "
275, "with a timescale" is probably what is meant hear, as "within" would mean two months or less
278, "available" is better than "existing"
286, semicolon should be "and". "in which" would be better than "where" as it would clarify that you are explaining the meaning of the mode change.
292, "were" is better than "got"
299, "water masses"
300, "sea-ice-covered"
308, "directly observed" is better than "demonstrated"
314, "Limitations... do not"
323, "out of the trough" can be omitted
329, perhaps emphasize at the end of this sentence that there would then be a associated impact on the heat fluxes to the base of the ice shelf.
332, "recirculating" is better than "convoluted"; the latter is more often used to denote logically muddled than physically wiggly
334, It is not clear what "irregular positioning" means since "positioning can mean the act of inferring a position"; perhaps "available positions" is what is meant.
345, ", however,". "motion along"
346, "hence turbulent mixing, "
349, "first Lagrangian observations over the Filchner–Ronne ice shlef were acquired" is I think what is meant.
351, "sea ice". The phase after the colon is awkward and would be better phrases as "an eastern passage..., and a western passage..."
359, "time scale". "up to four years" is all that can be said based on the data, not "up to at least".
373, "float data" not "floats data"
375, "Float" is not capitalized.
388, journal name capiltalization
390, missing journal name
394, journal name capiltalization
403, missing journal name
433, article title capitalization
448, Southern Ocean
466, journal name capiltalization
477, missing journal name, tech report details, or link
486, article title capitalization
497, missing journal name
Table 1, Please indicate whether the time given is UTC, local time, etc.
Figure 1, "thence" needs to be unpacked into more words to explain the deeper contours. "Lambert" should be capitalized.
Figure 2, what does "maximum" mean here? I believe you mean that for all position fixes associated two or more TOA records, the distance from the float to the farthest sound source is reported, but that's coming through at the moment.
Figure 3, a minor point, the cross are not very visible; small black dots or filled circles might be better. No hyphen after "S" in "T-S diagram". "estimated as the maximum profile depth" would be better than "inferred from the profile depth." Is the colorbar axis in the right panel the same as that used in the left panel? I'm seeing a lot more dark blue on the right then I would expect to see based on the left, suggesting perhaps the colorbar axes not the same. In this and future maps, heavy gray lines are float tracks while light gray lines are isobaths corresponding to changes in the shading color. You might suppress the latter as they are not really needed; otherwise, in this and following maps, please clarify that it is the heavy gray lines that are float tracks.
Figure 4, the meaning of "for" in "for the ISW" and "for the mWDW" is not clear. Something like, e.g. "marking a typical value for" would be better. Second to last sentence, I believe "colored circles" should be "colored triangles".
Figure 8, in the last sentence, the construction "black (mooring) and green (float) circles is confusing; it would be better to first tell us about the black circles and then about the green circles. |