Articles | Volume 20, issue 5
Research article
09 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 09 Sep 2024

A new airborne system for simultaneous high-resolution ocean vector current and wind mapping: first demonstration of the SeaSTAR mission concept in the macrotidal Iroise Sea

David L. McCann, Adrien C. H. Martin, Karlus A. C. de Macedo, Ruben Carrasco Alvarez, Jochen Horstmann, Louis Marié, José Márquez-Martínez, Marcos Portabella, Adriano Meta, Christine Gommenginger, Petronilo Martin-Iglesias, and Tania Casal


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Short summary
This paper presents the results of the first scientific campaign of a new method to remotely sense the small-scale, fast-evolving dynamics that are vital to our understanding of coastal and shelf sea processes. This work represents the first demonstration of the simultaneous measurement of current and wind vectors from this novel method. Comparisons with other current measuring systems and models around the dynamic area of the Iroise Sea are presented and show excellent agreement.