Articles | Volume 19, issue 6
Research article
14 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 14 Dec 2023

Southern Weddell Sea surface freshwater flux modulated by icescape and atmospheric forcing

Lukrecia Stulic, Ralph Timmermann, Stephan Paul, Rolf Zentek, Günther Heinemann, and Torsten Kanzow

Data sets

FESOM sea-ice production for the southern Weddell Sea, 2002-2017 Lukrecia Stulic

Short summary
In the southern Weddell Sea, the strong sea ice growth in coastal polynyas drives formation of dense shelf water. By using a sea ice–ice shelf–ocean model with representation of the changing icescape based on satellite data, we find that polynya sea ice growth depends on both the regional atmospheric forcing and the icescape. Not just strength but also location of the sea ice growth in polynyas affects properties of the dense shelf water and the basal melting of the Filchner–Ronne Ice Shelf.