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the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Wind-driven upwelling and surface nutrient delivery in a semi-enclosed coastal sea
Ben Moore-Maley
Susan E. Allen
- Final revised paper (published on 31 Jan 2022)
- Supplement to the final revised paper
- Preprint (discussion started on 01 Apr 2021)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on os-2021-21', Anonymous Referee #1, 30 Apr 2021
Moore-Maley et al. (2021) use output from a biophysical model to study wind-driven upwelling in the Strait
of Georgia (SoG). The authors show that the predominant wind forcing is along the axis of the Strait, and use
EOF analysis to reveal cross-strait "modes" in the variability of surface nitrate concentration (and, to a lesser
degree, surface temperature). They go on to relate the variability of the cross-strait modes with that of the
along-axis wind forcing. In the discussion section, the authors consider the response of a two-layer model of
a rectangular basin and use that to frame a discussion about cross- and along-axis symmetry as a response to
wind forcing.The paper is commendably well-written. The introduction section is excellent, the graphics are nice, and the
discussion and conclusion sections are for the most part clearly formulated. The choice of EOF analysis as
the main diagnostics tool is appropriate in principle - although I think the methodology could be improved in
several ways to strengthen the paper.The main weakness of the paper is pointed out by the authors themselves (Section 4.5): The analysis rests
on the surface expressions of nitrate and temperature, both of which are affected by a multitude of factors
and thus are complicated and indirect proxies for upwelling. It is therefore not surprising that the relationship
between wind forcing and cross-axis empirical modes in fact appears relatively weak. It is my opinion that
the main conclusion of the paper would be substantially strengthened by including the analysis of one or
more variables more directly related to the dynamical process of upwelling. If the basic mechanism were
established, the following discussion of surface nitrate and temperature would be strengthened substantially
(or, if not established, that would raise some interesting questions). Conversely, if this is not done, the authors
should add clear modifiers to statements such as "[this study] explicitly identif[ies] wind driven upwelling in
the SoG" (line 83).Nevertheless, I generally found this paper and the analysis within interesting and well-reasoned, and I believe
it could constitute a significant contribution to the understanding of nutrient availability in the upper waters
of the SoG, with implications for the understanding of ecosystem functioning in the area. The paper could
also contribute meaningfully to the understanding of wind-driven upwelling in enclosed bodies of water moregenerally. I therefore recommend that this paper be published after appropriate revisions.
The authors base their analysis on the surface expressions of temperature and nitrate. For both parameters, it
is hard to separate the effects of upwelling, lateral advection, and wind-driven mixing, and both parameters
are presumably strongly influenced by tides and diurnally varying surface forcing. While I understand that
the authors wish to limit the scope of their study, I think the main conclusion (wind-driven upwelling plays a
major part in the dynamical response to wind forcing events and their e ects on nutrient distribution) would
be much stronger if the authors included an analysis of upwelling more directly. An advanced methodology
would not necessarily be required, and relevant parameters should be available to the authors in the model
output. For example, pycnocline/isopycnal depth at select locations along the respective sides could be used in
a simple comparison with along-axis winds, or they could use cross-axis isopycnal tilt at an appropriate crosssection.
The point would be to more conclusively establish the asymmetric upwelling pattern as a response
to wind forcing events before going on to the more detailed spatial analysis and more complex discussion of
mechanisms. It would also in my view tie the theoretical framework of section 4.1 more together with the
results of the study.2.
Figures 5/8 and the discussion of spectra: The spectra as they are are very noisy, and it is currently difficult to
discern peaks that are central in the description and analysis. I strongly suggest using block averaged spectra
(the record lengths should be more than sufficient to do so). This should make the signals of interest clearer
with respect to the background noise while still resolving the entire frequency band of interest. I also suggest
including error bars on the spectra given that minor peaks are given significance in the interpretation.3.
In general, the relationship befween EOF indices and winds do not strike me as obviously strong, neither
in figure 7 nor in the correlation analysis. This does not mean that the wind-driven upwelling mechanism
suggested by the authors does not occur - especially given that tides and diurnal variability in surface forcing
likely adds a lot of "noise" and may affect the mode structures in different ways.
I wonder if the authors would be better off focusing explicitly on the *subtidal* variability in their EOF analysis
- rather than performing the EOF analysis on full-resolution data and then "detiding" indices and winds when
looking at correlations. It seems to me that the dynamically relevant time scales are all longer than a day: wind
pulses and ocean responses both appear to have longer time scales (hence the filtering in figures 4 and 7?), andthe response time of the upwelling process is also shown by the authors to be more than one day. The authors
already do the same at the opposite end of the spectrum by applying a 50 d high-pass filter. Could appropriate
filtering to explicitly focus on subtidal signals restrict the analysis to the frequency band of interest - and make
the results of the EOF analysis easier to interpret?4.
Line 312-314: I have some difficulty seeing this described relationship between the mode loading time series and
the winds in Fig 7. I suggest giving the reader some more specific pointers in the text, and perhaps indicating
"spikes" in Fig 7.5.
Some sort of characterization of the time scale of wind events is needed - perhaps around Line 273. A typical
time scale is alluded to later in the manuscript (Line 395, 404), but never really described based on observations
or literature. I would suggest adding a description of the typical duration of both wind events (from HRDPS)
and upwelling events (from the ocean model).6.
Section 4.1: While I found the theoretical exploration of the two-layer basin useful, I wonder if the SoG doesn’t
deviate from the model in another fundamental way: It seems to me that since the the SoG is *not*, in fact,
closed at either end, along-axis pressure gradients may not be able to build up to the degree implied by the
example. I think this warrants some discussion, most likely in Section 4.2.
SPECIFIC COMMENTS (MINOR)Line 3: It should be made clear that the skilled reproduction of observations of all these parameters are not
shown in this study, but come from previous work.--
Line 7: "climatology" is a little confusing - suggest rephrasing to "predominant wind pattern" or simply "Alongaxis
winds steered..".--
Line 30: "Basin scale" here should be replaced by "dynamical width" or similar.
Line 92-94: Please provide a reference for the estuarine circulation/exchange.
139: "partial steps at the bottom boundary" - the meaning of this is not clear to me. Please clarify.
Line 146: In Section 2.2, the model is described, including the configuration of the biogeochemical parameters
(silica, plankton species etc). Most of these are never mentioned again. If they have little influence on the
results, the authors may want to mention that here. If not, the authors should at least mention in the discussion
section how the biogeochemical components of the model might play into the results presented here (does
biological consumption end nitrate spikes, for example?).--
Line 181: Please indicate (roughly) the timing of the freshet.
Line 260: "Provides significant physical driver" - this statement should be qualified to be less strong (perhaps
include a "potentially" or similar?). Also rephrase (" *a* significant driver?).--
Line 263: Please explain why these particular locations were chosen. For example - why the Texada spot and
not a spot across from Central VI?--
Line 272: "Averaged over the SoG region": Please be a little more specific about what area winds were averaged
Line 297: I find the use of "low-frequency" here unclear - especially since it seems to include the diurnal band.
Please clarify.--
Line 303: "which represent" should be qualified (e.g. "which we interpret to represent").
Line 306/328: Temperature mode III also seems to have a strong N-S structure, but it is consistently referred
to as a cross-axis mode. Please clarify/comment.--
Line 330: "time-averaged" here is confusing - reads as an average across all time points. Please rephrase.
Line 334: "small amount of correlation" : confusing, please rephrase.
Line 341: "Visibly correlate" - I suggest avoiding this terminology if no significant correlation was found in
the quantitative analysis..--
Line 367: Please explain briefly which assumptions have gone into transforming Ri(U) to Ri(tau).
Line 374 & 376: Surely "the coasts" are always important? Please rephrase.
394-396: There is an apparent contradiction here - should the conclusion not be the opposite? Please clarify..
Line 414-415: "If the cross-axis..fluxes": This is not self-evident to me. Please add some explanation or a
Figure 1: Please add a scale bar. I would also suggest changing the color of the Texada star marker as it
currently disappears into the background a bit.--
Figure 4: It is difficult to see the wind time series here. I also find that much of what is in the figure caption
belongs in the text proper.--
Figure 4: Please indicate the timing of the snapshots shown in Figure 2.
Figure 5: Spectra should probably be computed based on the productive seasons only - as for the profiles
Figure 6 needs a length scale. Could be achieved by using length instead of grid coordinates on the x/y axes
(grid coordinates are not very useful in any case).---
Line 239 - 240: I recommend using a standard date format - the Ocean Science convention seems to be "25
July 2007".--
Line 551: "right" -> left?
Figure 2: It would be useful to include an indication of the predominant wind direction above each 3 plots.
Maybe using some simple arrows arrows or adding direction in text at the top axis title.--
Figure 5: Could the di erence between the colors used for the median profile and IQ range be made a little
stronger in a and d? Currently a little difficult to see the median profiles.--
Figures 5, 8: Please add units to PSD y-scales.
Figure 6 needs a length scale. Could be achieved by using length instead of grid coordinates on the x/y axes
(grid coordinates are not very useful in any case).--
Figures 7, right: The sharp red color makes it difficult to discern the other time series. Please reconsider the
color and/or opacity of these lines.--
Figures 8 (bottom): I suggest changing color of the horizontal line in case of difficulties for colorblind readers.
Title and elsewhere: Should "wind driven" be hyphenated ("wind-driven") since it is a compound adjective?
Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Ben Moore-Maley, 12 Jul 2021
We are grateful to Reviewer 1 for their thoughtful and detailed comments on this manuscript, and we have included responses below on a comment-by-comment basis. Our overall takeways from these comments are the following: (1) the spectral analysis is noisy and the features of the spectra discussed in the manuscript are difficult for the reader to see, (2) the correlation between the along-axis wind stress and the PC loadings is poorly presented, and (3) the indirect connection between the two surface tracers and the upwelling process weakens the conclusions drawn about upwelling. To address these issues, we propose to (1) apply the multitaper method to our spectral analysis to reduce variance, (2) rewrite our discussion of the correlation between PC loadings and along-axis wind stress to improve clarity and include significance testing and spectral coherence, and (3) use the improved comparison between the PC loadings and the wind stress record to build a stronger connection between surface nitrate and upwelling. We are confident that these revisions along with the proposed changes below will satisfy the concerns raised by Reviewer 1 and improve the overall quality of the manuscript.
Major Comments:
Major Comment 1 (Strength of surface tracers as proxies for upwelling rather than vertical density structure variables):
We agree that an analysis of the density structure is ultimately needed to better understand the mechanism of upwelling in the system. However the correlation between PC loading and wind stress for nitrate PCA modes 1 and 3 is statistically significant, and we find this correlation to be compelling and sufficient evidence that wind-driven upwelling is producing these coastal surface nitrate anomalies even though the vertical density structure remains unexplored. Since this study focuses on the influence of upwelling on surface nutrients, we believe that nitrate is the most relevant variable to present. We include temperature to demonstrate how the different surface processes between the two tracers manifest in their upwelling responses to wind, but the focus is nitrate. To better support our claim that coastal nitrate anomalies are upwelling-sourced, we will make the following revisions to the correlation analysis between the PC loadings and the wind stress record: (1) more clearly describe the direction, or sign, of the wind stress record being included in the correlation calculation, (2) quantify the significance of the correlations using a p-value test or equivalent, and (3) present the spectral coherence between the PC loadings and the wind record to show the dominant frequency bands where wind influence is strong. Finally, with respect to the original request for analysis of the density fields, we will be submitting a more physics-oriented article in the coming year that diagnoses the density structure more explicitly.
Major Comment 2 (Noisy spectra, consider block averaging):
We will use the multi-taper method to reduce the variance of the spectra without compromising low-frequency resolution, and we will report the 95% confidence intervals across the tapers.
Major Comment 3 (Poor presentation of wind stress correlation, consider bandpass filtering):
We will explore the prospect of bandpass filtering to remove high frequency data from our correlation analysis, and we will clarify our reporting of the correlation between wind stress and different modes to better separate the positive wind stress cases and the negative wind stress cases. We will also move the temperature modes II and III to the supplement to reduce clutter. In preparing this response, we have also found that the spectral coherence between wind speed/stress and the nitrate modes (especially mode 3 along the eastern shore) is consistently strong in the fortnightly band. We will include these coherence plots to further support the relationship between wind and nitrate.
Major Comment 4 (Difficulty seeing relationship between PC loadings and wind in Figure 7):
This figure is overly burdened by the presence of temperature modes II and III. We will move these modes to the supplement and minimize their discussion in the main text. This action will help declutter this figure, but we will also clarify the text with respect to the nitrate modes.
Major Comment 5 (Wind time scales poorly defined):
We will quantify the dominant wind time scales from the ECCC and HRDPS records and compare to recent atmospheric studies (primarily Bakri et al. 2017, Int. J. Climatol. and Thompson et al. 2020, Int. J. Climatol.).
Major Comment 6 (Significance of open end channels in 2-layer model):
We will add more emphasis to this aspect of the basin geometry as a caveat to the hypothetical along-axis pycnocline tilt. We elaborate below in our response to the comment at line 414-415.
Minor comments:
Line 3 (Attribute model tuning to previous works):
Will clarify.
Line 7 ("climatology" is confusing - rephrase to "predominant wind pattern" or "alongaxis winds steered"):
Will rephrase.
Line 30 ("Basin scale" here should be replaced by "dynamical width" or similar):
Will rephrase.
Line 92-94 (Please provide a reference for the estuarine circulation/exchange):
Will expand Pawlowicz et al. 2007 reference to include this statement.
Line 139 ("partial steps at the bottom boundary" - the meaning of this is not clear to me):
The "partial steps" aspect of the model is not directly relevant to this study, so we will remove the statement.
Line 146 (How are the auxiliary biogeochemical parameters like silica, plankton species, etc. relevant?):
Biological consumption indeed controls the residence time of nitrate in the surface, and the undiscussed tracers are important for resolving this sink accurately. This biological sink is fundamental to our choice of nitrate as a tracer. We will improve the emphasis and clarity of this point.
Line 181 (Please indicate, roughly, the timing of the freshet):
We will add a freshet timing definition to Section 2.1.
Line 260 ("Provides significant physical driver" - this statement should be qualified to be less strong):
Will rephrase.
Line 263 (Please explain why these particular locations were chosen):
Since the upwelling response is coherent along most of the coastline, the choice of these locations is somewhat arbitrary as they are intended to simply orient the reader to the upwelling behavior of the system, before continuing on to the more quantitative PCA. To make these choices less arbitrary, we will use spatial averages over 4 regions instead of 4 isolated locations.
Line 272 ("Averaged over the SoG region": Please be a little more specific):
We will include polygons on the map (Figure 1) to show the spatial averaging regions for wind, nitrate and temperature.
Line 297 (I find the use of "low-frequency" here unclear - especially since it seems to include the diurnal band):
Will rephrase as "sub-tidal"
Line 303 ("which represent" should be qualified, e.g. "which we interpret to represent"):
Will rephrase.
Line 306/328 (Temperature mode III seems to have a strong N-S structure, but it is referred to as cross-axis):
We will move temperature modes II and III to the supplement and trim the presentation in the main text to remove clutter and confusion.
Line 330 ("time-averaged" here is confusing - reads as an average across all time points):
This wind stress metric is central to our analysis of the EOF results, so we will define it more clearly in a separate sentence.
Line 334 ("small amount of correlation" is confusing, please rephrase):
We will define this correlation more clearly as the "correlation to the reverse wind stress direction" in a separate sentence and in our overall discussion of Figure 8.
Line 341 ("Visibly correlate" - avoid if no significant correlation was found in the quantitative analysis):
We will rephrase all discussion of correlation in quantitative terms.
Line 367 (Please explain briefly which assumptions have gone into transforming Ri(U) to Ri(tau)):
The primary assumption in this transformation is that the bulk vertical shear stress is described by the surface layer friction velocity squared (u*^2) which is equal to the kinematic wind stress (tau/rho). This assumption is common in simplified 2-layer models of lakes (e.g. Spiegel and Imberger 1986 J. Fluid Mech.). Regardless, we use this quantity as a scale parameter only and not an indicator of turbulence. Nevertheless, we will add a clarifying statement describing the origin of our bulk Richardson number and our specific use case.
Line 374 & 376 (Surely "the coasts" are always important?):
We will rephrase this statement to clarify that we are talking about timescales before the coastal pressure gradient forces have become established.
Line 394-396 (There is an apparent contradiction here):
This is a typo. Zeta_{end} does not contribute significantly to upwelling on typical wind time scales.
Line 414-415 ("If the cross-axis ... fluxes": This is not self-evident to me):
We are describing the behavior of the infinite coast scenarios of the two layer model at the corners of the rectangular basin at (0, 0) and (L_C, L_A). An analytical solution is not easily found, but qualitatively, the upwind lower layer transports along the basin sides combined with the cross-wind lower layer transports at the basin ends result in upwelling at the upwind corner (0, 0) and downwelling at the downwind corner (L_C, L_A). These corner signals will grow in time, and propagate anticlockwise along the basin end walls, setting up cross-axis pressure gradient forces at the basin ends that directly oppose the cross-shore Ekman fluxes. The flow near the ends that was cross-shore will respond to the new force balance by becoming more along-axis, eventually leading to an along-axis, lake-like pycnocline tilt. The open channels at the end of the basin mentioned by Reviewer 1 in Major Issue number 5 are a major caveat to this setup. We will rewrite the opening sentence of this paragraph to more clearly describe this scenario. We also propose adding a diagram of this qualitative solution to aid the reader.
Figure 1 (Please add a scale bar and improve contrast of the Texada star marker):
Will add/modify.
Figure 4 (Difficult to see the wind time series. Much of what is in the figure caption belongs in the text):
We will add a zoomed panel to emphasize the period between the cutoffs.
Figure 4 (Please indicate the timing of the snapshots shown in Figure 2):
Will add.
Figure 5 (Spectra should be computed based on the productive seasons - as for the profiles):
We will make this change in addition to using variance-reduction methods.
Technical corrections:
Figure 6 (Needs a length scale):
Will modify.
Line 239 - 240 (I recommend using a standard date format):
Will modify.
Line 551 ("right" -> left?):
This is a typo, will correct.
Figure 2 (Include the predominant wind direction):
Will add.
Figure 5 (Improve contrast between median profile and IQ range):
Will enhance.
Figures 5, 8 (Please add units to PSD y-scales):
Will add.
Figures 7, right (The sharp red color makes it difficult to discern the other time series):
Since temperature modes II and III account for the least variance and are not central to our findings, we will exclude them from all figures.
Figures 8 (bottom) (Change color of the horizontal line in case of difficulties for colorblind readers):
Will modify.
Title and elsewhere (Hyphenate "wind-driven" since it is a compound adjective):
Will change throughout.
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Ben Moore-Maley, 12 Jul 2021
RC2: 'Comment on os-2021-21', Jennifer Jackson, 13 Jun 2021
The manuscript by Moore-Maley and Allen uses model output from a high-resolution biophysical model to examine upwelling in the Strait of Georgia. This is an important research question. Upwelling is often discussed in the Strait of Georgia but has never been examined in detail or quantified. The authors use five years of model output (focusing on temperature and nitrate) and high-resolution wind climatology to study upwelling. In general, the manuscript is well-written and interesting and will add important knowledge about physical processes in the Strait of Georgia. That being said, I did struggle with sections 3.2 and 4 and think that considerable improvement is needed, particularly in these sections, before the manuscript is published in Ocean Sciences. I therefore recommend major revisions. Details are listed below.
Major comments
My first major concern is with the interpretation of the principal component analysis in section 3.2. Lines 303 to 310 describe the dominant modes from the EOF spatial patterns and based on EOF results shown in Figure 6. Despite the importance of these results for the manuscript, I think that important information is missing from the description on the EOF results. This includes:
- The percentage of variance calculated within each mode
- A description of how the modes were diagnosed (e.g. beyond a picture, how is it known that mode 1 of for nitrate is upwelling along the western shore?). Some work was done to diagnose the different modes in Figures 7 and 8 but these results were not always conclusive
- A description of what a mixing-heating pattern is (lines 305 to 306) and how this in particular was diagnosed.
- Throughout section 3.2 (and in the figures), there are several references to positive and negative variance. I don’t know what positive and negative variance means in regards to these results. Please clarify.
My second major concern was the lack of discussion of stochastic events (i.e. storms) in the manuscript. HRDPS shown in Figure 4 shows the stochastic nature of the events that cause upwelling and downwelling, and the impact some of these events have on surface temperature and nitrate. Despite the frequency and strength of these events, there doesn’t appear to be a stochastic (1 to 3 day) frequency in the power spectra on either Figures 5 or 8. If the authors are arguing that storm driven upwelling or downwelling are the dominant modes for temperature and nitrate variability in the Strait of Georgia then why don’t stochastic events evident in the power spectra?
My third major concern was the confusion of reading a manuscript where many mathematical symbols are used throughout. To make this manuscript easier to read, I suggest adding a table that details all of the mathematical symbols.
My fourth major concern is section 4.1. This was a complex section and I’m not clear exactly how it strengthened the manuscript. Specifically, I think that some discussion is needed to explain why using a 2 layer model is realistic in a such a complex region where 3 to 4 layers (e.g. Stevens et al., 2021, Johannessen et al., 2014) are often observed. I suggest rewriting this section to emphasize to the reader why these case studies are needed and how they influence the results of the model. I also suggest that, if the case studies are used, the authors include figures of the results so that the case studies are easier to interpret.
I think some key references are missing. These include:
- Johannessen, S.C., Macdonald, R. W., and Strivens, J.E. 2021. Has primary production declined in the Salish Sea? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,
- Johannessen, S.C., Masson, D. and Macdonald, R.W. 2014. Oxygen in the deep Strait of Georgia, 1951-2009: The roles of mixing, deep-water renewal, and remineralization of organic carbon.Limnology and Oceanography 59(1): 211-222
- Del Bel Belluz, J., Peña, M.A., Jackson, al. Phytoplankton Composition and Environmental Drivers in the Northern Strait of Georgia (Salish Sea), British Columbia, Canada. Estuaries and Coasts 44, 1419–1439 (2021).
Minor concerns
- Line 28 – I suggest adding references to previous research on upwelling in enclosed basins
- Lines 45 to 57 – I found this paragraph confusing and it was difficult to understand the point of the paragraph. I suggest rewriting this paragraph so the point is more clear.
- Lines 151 to 152 – Please add a reference here
- Line 165 – How realistic are these 2.5 km winds in some of the narrow channels within the Salish Sea? Do these coarse winds (relative to the complexity of the study area) impact the results?
- Line 208 – Figure 1 includes Juan de Fuca Strait yet this states that only the region to the tidal mixing area (Haro Strait?) is considered. Please clarify.
- Lines 209 to 213 – As a reader it was difficult to interpret what the authors are stating here. If possible, I suggest adding this information to a figure. Otherwise, please make this information clearer so that it is easier to interpret.
- Lines 214 to 226 – Are the references at the end of this paragraph for the whole PC and EOF equations? Please clarify
- Lines 257 to 258 – I don’t understand the sentence starting with ‘There is also a tendency…’ Please clarify.
- Figure 2 – The letters in the figure to identify the panels (i.e. a to d) does not match the description in the caption.
- Lines 274 to 275 – I can’t see this result in the figures.
- Lines 291 to 292 – It is really difficult to see the correlation between winds and temperature/nitrate at individual locations in Figure 4.
- Lines 306 to 310 – As mentioned above, it is not clear to me how these interpretations were made.
- Figure 7 – What do positive and negative winds and PC amplitude mean?
- Line 336 – How does the averaging window of 54 hours impact the storm data? In other words, does this averaging window minimize storm energy?
- Figure 8 – Again, what do positive and negative PC amplitudes mean? Also, Figure 8b shows significant energy at fortnightly and monthly frequencies. This EOF was interpreted as being dominated by tidal mixing. Please explain why tidal mixing would have significant energy here at these frequencies?
- Lines 571 – I think that much of the observational data used are available on CIOOS. I suggest that the authors add the CIOOS data link to the acknowledgements (
Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Ben Moore-Maley, 12 Jul 2021
We are grateful to Reviewer 2, Jennifer Jackson, for her thoughtful and detailed comments on this manuscript, and we have included responses below on a comment-by-comment basis. Our overall takeways from these comments are the following: (1) the criteria for identifying particular PCA modes as representing a given physical process such as upwelling or mixing is poorly stated or missing, (2) the correlation between the along-axis wind stress and the PC loadings is poorly presented, and (3) the applicability of the 2-layer model presented in 4.1 to the SoG and the improvement it brings to the paper are unclear. To address these issues, we propose to (1) clearly state the criteria for diagnosing the physical phenomenon represented by a given PCA mode as stated below in the comment-by-comment responses, (2) rewrite our discussion of the correlation between PC loadings and along-axis wind stress to improve clarity and include significance testing and spectral coherence, and (3) clarify the applicability of the 2-layer model for describing upwelling in the SoG and include additional figures to aid the reader in interpreting the model solutions in the context of the PCA results. We are confident that these revisions along with the proposed changes below will satisfy the concerns raised by Dr. Jackson and improve the overall quality of the manuscript.
Major Comments:
Major Comment 1 (Important information is missing from the description on the EOF results):
The percent variance is displayed in the bottom-left corner of each EOF panel, but we understand that it was difficult to see and will add a reference to the location of the label in the figure caption. The modes are diagnosed based on the following three criteria: (1) the spatial pattern, i.e., coastal anomalies in the case of upwelling, spatially uniform anomalies in the case of mixing or diurnal heating, anomalies in the tidal mixing zones for tidal mixing, (2) spectral energy distribution: i.e., weak tidal peaks and broadly distributed subtidal energy for upwelling, prominant diurnal peak for solar heating, prominant tidal and subtidal peaks for tidal mixing, (3) the PC correlation with a given segment of the along-axis wind stress record, i.e., correlation with positive wind stress indicates western shore upwelling, correlation with negative wind stress indicates eastern shore upwelling, correlation with both signs of wind stress indicates wind mixing, and no correlation indicates tidal mixing. These criteria were all satisfied for nitrate modes 1-3 and temperature mode I and we will emphasize and clarify this point in our revisions. The remaining temperature modes are inconclusive and account for the least variance of all modes explored, we will move them to the supplement. The mixing-heating pattern is diagnosed based on the three criteria described above, and we will clarify this diagnosis in our revisions. We acknowledge that our description of the wind stress correlations as "positive" and "negative" is unclear and will improve the clarity to be consistent with our EOF diagnosis criteria (3) above.
Major Comment 2 (Lack of discussion of stochastic events in the manuscript, and absence of spectral peaks):
All spectral analysis of wind records that we have performed yield broadly distributed energy at subtidal frequencies rather than narrow band peaks. We also see this broad frequency distribution in the analysis of Sand Heads wind velocity by Halverson and Pawlowicz 2016, Atmos. Ocean. We expect these spectra given the stochastic nature of storm intervals. However, based on the request of Reviewer 1, we have proposed to use variance reduction methods and spectral coherence in our revisions to improve our analysis of the wind, nitrate and temperature spectra. The coherence especially will help identify the frequency bands where the wind influence on raw tracer records and the PC loadings is significant.
Major Comment 3 (I suggest adding a table that details all of the mathematical symbols):
We will add a table of symbols.
Major Comment 4 (Emphasize why case studies in 4.1 are needed and how they influence the model results. Include figures):
We included section 4.1 to provide physical context for why we primarily observe surface tracer upwelling signals as coastal bands along the eastern and western shores instead of blobs at the upwind ends of the SoG. While we recognize that the vertical structure of the SoG is not well-represented by a 2-layer model at rest, a 2-layer assumption becomes increasingly appropriate during upwelling events because the wind rapidly mixes the stratified surface layer and the depth of upwelling never penetrates below the intermediate layer. Additionally, the upwelling solutions that we describe for the 2-layer model retain their basic structure as the number of layers is increased (e.g., Csanady 1982). We will clarify these points in our revisions and add additional figures to guide the reader.
Major Comment 5 (Some key references are missing):
We appreciate having these references brought to our attention. We will reference the 2021 papers in our discussion of the effect of surface nutrients on phytoplankton, sections 2.1 and 4.4. We will reference Johannessen et al. 2014 in our discussion of the effects of the tidal mixing regions on surface nitrate.
Minor comments:
Line 28 (Add references to previous research on upwelling in enclosed basins):
References to upwelling in enclosed basins are included throughout the introduction between lines 25 and 57, however we will add/emphasize a few key references here as well.
Lines 45 to 57 (I found this paragraph confusing and it was difficult to understand the point):
The purpose of this paragraph is to present the secondary features of a basin that may affect upwelling after the Rossby radius is considered. The concepts of wind stress curl, spatial salinity gradients and wave damping are all revisted later in the manuscript, but topographic waves are not relevant to this study. We will rewrite this paragraph to improve the linkages to the rest of the paper.
Lines 151 to 152 (Please add a reference here):
Will add a reference to Hansen et al. 2013, Harmful Algae
Line 165 (How realistic are the 2.5 km winds in narrow channels? Do they impact the results?):
Our windrose comparisons between the HRDPS and observed records at the four open water stations suggest that HRDPS is sufficiently realistic to resolve upwelling forcing. From other analyses unrelated to this paper, we have found HRDPS skill to be strong in all open water locations and channels, and to weaken only in narrow inlets such as Howe Sound but certainly the Discovery Island channels as well. Since these inlets are already isolated from the primary upwelling areas of the SoG, we find this level of HRDPS skill satisfactory. We will add a clarifying statement in our revisions.
Line 208 (Figure 1 includes Juan de Fuca Strait yet only the region to the tidal mixing area is considered):
Will add a box to Figure 1 indicating the subregion used for PCA.
Lines 209 to 213 (Difficult to interpret what the authors are stating here. I suggest possibly adding this information to a figure):
We agree that this paragraph introducing the PCA methods is poorly written. We will rewrite for improved clarity and possibly add a figure.
Lines 214 to 226 (Are the references at the end of this paragraph for the whole PC and EOF equations?):
We built our PCA/varimax Python code using algorithms from Preisendorfer 1988 and Horst 1965. Although the algorithms are essentially identical to established tools available in Matlab and SPSS, they are poorly documented in these code libraries. The goal of these references is to aid the reader in locating the exact source of each algorithm. However, we acknowledge that the way we have made these references is unconventional. We will clarify these references in our revisions.
Lines 257 to 258 (I don't understand the sentence starting with "There is also a tendency..."):
Southeasterly bins greater than 10 m/s contain a higher proportion of the total data at the northern stations relative to the southern stations in winter. We will clarify in the text.
Figure 2 (The letters in the figure to identify the panels do not match the description in the caption):
This is a typo. Will correct.
Lines 274 to 275 (I can't see this result in the figures):
The fluctuations in surface nitrate and temperature are a result of the study and visible in Figure 4, but the seasonal formation of the vertical gradients is background information and is not shown. We will clarify this distinction and add a reference.
Lines 291 to 292 (It is difficult to see the correlation between winds and temperature/nitrate at individual locations in Figure 4):
We will modify figure 4 or add a companion figure that zooms in on the region of interest so this correlation is more visible. We hesitate to add a scatterplot here since this figure is more of a lead in to the more robust PCA component of the study.
Lines 306 to 310 (As mentioned above, it is not clear to me how these interpretations were made):
The mixing-heating mode is diagnosed by the uniform spatial EOF pattern, the prominant diurnal energy peak, and the correlation to both positive and negative along-axis wind stress. Discussion of temperature modes II and III will be removed. We will clarify the diagnosis of temperature mode I.
Figure 7 (What do positive and negative winds and PC amplitude mean?):
Positive and negative refers to the direction of the along-axis wind stress. PC amplitude is equivalent to PC loading, but we will choose a single term to use throughout our revisions.
Line 336 (How does the averaging window of 54 hours impact the storm data?):
The PC loading is not really a function of instantaneous wind as much as the time-integrated wind. This dependence is demonstrated in the infinite coast solution in 4.1, zeta_{side}. The averaging process is analogous to time-integration since the average is just the discrete integral divided by the window length. In this sense, the averaging process should not effect the energy imparted from a storm. As the text says, the window length is simply chosen to maximize the correlation coefficient, and this process can be interpreted as finding the critical storm duration required to produce a PC anomaly in the given mode. We will clarify this distinction in our revisions.
Figure 8 (What do positive and negative PC amplitudes mean? Figure 8b shows significant energy at fortnightly and monthly frequencies. Why does tidal mixing have significant energy here?)
As previously stated, we agree that the presentation of correlation used poor language and our revisions will clarify this section. We interpret the fortnightly and monthly peaks to result from the fortnightly tidal cycle and the resulting change in mixing strength in the tidal mixing regions. We will clarify this interpretation in the text.
Lines 571 (Much of the observational data used are available on CIOOS. Consider an acknowledgement):
We will add this acknowledgement.
Peer review completion