Articles | Volume 18, issue 1
Research article
31 Jan 2022
Research article |  | 31 Jan 2022

Wind-driven upwelling and surface nutrient delivery in a semi-enclosed coastal sea

Ben Moore-Maley and Susan E. Allen

Data sets

Historical climate data, Digital archive of Canadian climatological data ECCC

Canadian wave data, Marine environmental data section archive DFO

MODIS Aqua L2P swath SST data set JPL/OBPG/RSMAS

Model code and software

SalishSeaCast/SoG_upwelling_EOF_paper: Source code for: Wind-driven upwelling and surface nutrient delivery in a semi-enclosed coastal sea B. Moore-Maley and S. E. Allen

SalishSeaCast hourly surface along-axis wind velocity, temperature and nitrate summary 2015-2019 B. Moore-Maley and S. E. Allen

Short summary
Inland seas are critical habitats for globally important fisheries, and the local food webs that support these fisheries are often limited by surface nutrient availability. In the Strait of Georgia, which supports several key northern Pacific fisheries, we identify wind-driven upwelling as a dominant source of summer surface nutrients using a high-resolution coupled ecosystem model. This newly identified underlying mechanism will inform interpretations of ecosystem variability in the region.