Articles | Volume 16, issue 4
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© Author(s) 2020. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Assessing the role and consistency of satellite observation products in global physical–biogeochemical ocean reanalysis
David Andrew Ford
Met Office, FitzRoy Road, Exeter, EX1 3PB, UK
Related authors
Davi Mignac, Jennifer Waters, Daniel J. Lea, Matthew J. Martin, James While, Anthony T. Weaver, Arthur Vidard, Catherine Guiavarc’h, Dave Storkey, David Ford, Edward W. Blockley, Jonathan Baker, Keith Haines, Martin R. Price, Michael J. Bell, and Richard Renshaw
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
We describe major improvements of the Met Office's global ocean-sea ice forecasting system. The models and the way observations are used to improve the forecasts were changed, which led to a significant error reduction of 1-day forecasts. The new system performance in past conditions, where sub-surface observations are scarce, was improved with more consistent ocean heat content estimates. The new system will be of better use for climate studies and will provide improved forecasts for end users.
Jozef Skakala, David Ford, Keith Haines, Amos Lawless, Matthew Martin, Philip Browne, Marcin Chrust, Stefano Ciavatta, Alison Fowler, Daniel Lea, Matthew Palmer, Andrea Rochner, Jennifer Waters, Hao Zuo, Mike Bell, Davi Carneiro, Yumeng Chen, Susan Kay, Dale Partridge, Martin Price, Richard Renshaw, Georgy Shapiro, and James While
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
In this paper we review marine data assimilation (MDA) in the UK, its stakeholders, needs, past and present developments in different areas of UK MDA, and offer a vision for their longer future. The specific areas covered are ocean physics and sea ice, marine biogeochemistry, coupled MDA, MDA informing observing network design and MDA theory. We also discuss future vision for MDA resources: observations, software, hardware and people skills.
Marion Mittermaier, Rachel North, Jan Maksymczuk, Christine Pequignet, and David Ford
Ocean Sci., 17, 1527–1543,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
Regions of enhanced chlorophyll-a concentrations can be identified by applying a threshold to the concentration value to a forecast and observed field (or analysis). These regions can then be treated and analysed as features using diagnostic techniques to consider of the evolution of the chlorophyll-a blooms in space and time. This allows us to understand whether the biogeochemistry in the model has any skill in predicting these blooms, their location, intensity, onset, duration and demise.
David Ford
Biogeosciences, 18, 509–534,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
Biogeochemical-Argo floats are starting to routinely measure ocean chlorophyll, nutrients, oxygen, and pH. This study generated synthetic observations representing two potential Biogeochemical-Argo observing system designs and created a data assimilation scheme to combine them with an ocean model. The proposed system of 1000 floats brought clear benefits to model results, with additional floats giving further benefit. Existing satellite ocean colour observations gave complementary information.
David A. Ford, Johan van der Molen, Kieran Hyder, John Bacon, Rosa Barciela, Veronique Creach, Robert McEwan, Piet Ruardij, and Rodney Forster
Biogeosciences, 14, 1419–1444,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
This study presents a novel set of in situ observations of phytoplankton community structure for the North Sea. These observations were used to validate two physical–biogeochemical ocean model simulations, each of which used different variants of the widely used European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (ERSEM). The results suggest the ability of the models to reproduce the observed phytoplankton community structure was dependent on the details of the biogeochemical model parameterizations used.
Davi Mignac, Jennifer Waters, Daniel J. Lea, Matthew J. Martin, James While, Anthony T. Weaver, Arthur Vidard, Catherine Guiavarc’h, Dave Storkey, David Ford, Edward W. Blockley, Jonathan Baker, Keith Haines, Martin R. Price, Michael J. Bell, and Richard Renshaw
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
We describe major improvements of the Met Office's global ocean-sea ice forecasting system. The models and the way observations are used to improve the forecasts were changed, which led to a significant error reduction of 1-day forecasts. The new system performance in past conditions, where sub-surface observations are scarce, was improved with more consistent ocean heat content estimates. The new system will be of better use for climate studies and will provide improved forecasts for end users.
Jozef Skakala, David Ford, Keith Haines, Amos Lawless, Matthew Martin, Philip Browne, Marcin Chrust, Stefano Ciavatta, Alison Fowler, Daniel Lea, Matthew Palmer, Andrea Rochner, Jennifer Waters, Hao Zuo, Mike Bell, Davi Carneiro, Yumeng Chen, Susan Kay, Dale Partridge, Martin Price, Richard Renshaw, Georgy Shapiro, and James While
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
In this paper we review marine data assimilation (MDA) in the UK, its stakeholders, needs, past and present developments in different areas of UK MDA, and offer a vision for their longer future. The specific areas covered are ocean physics and sea ice, marine biogeochemistry, coupled MDA, MDA informing observing network design and MDA theory. We also discuss future vision for MDA resources: observations, software, hardware and people skills.
Marion Mittermaier, Rachel North, Jan Maksymczuk, Christine Pequignet, and David Ford
Ocean Sci., 17, 1527–1543,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
Regions of enhanced chlorophyll-a concentrations can be identified by applying a threshold to the concentration value to a forecast and observed field (or analysis). These regions can then be treated and analysed as features using diagnostic techniques to consider of the evolution of the chlorophyll-a blooms in space and time. This allows us to understand whether the biogeochemistry in the model has any skill in predicting these blooms, their location, intensity, onset, duration and demise.
David Ford
Biogeosciences, 18, 509–534,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
Biogeochemical-Argo floats are starting to routinely measure ocean chlorophyll, nutrients, oxygen, and pH. This study generated synthetic observations representing two potential Biogeochemical-Argo observing system designs and created a data assimilation scheme to combine them with an ocean model. The proposed system of 1000 floats brought clear benefits to model results, with additional floats giving further benefit. Existing satellite ocean colour observations gave complementary information.
David A. Ford, Johan van der Molen, Kieran Hyder, John Bacon, Rosa Barciela, Veronique Creach, Robert McEwan, Piet Ruardij, and Rodney Forster
Biogeosciences, 14, 1419–1444,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
This study presents a novel set of in situ observations of phytoplankton community structure for the North Sea. These observations were used to validate two physical–biogeochemical ocean model simulations, each of which used different variants of the widely used European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (ERSEM). The results suggest the ability of the models to reproduce the observed phytoplankton community structure was dependent on the details of the biogeochemical model parameterizations used.
Related subject area
Approach: Data Assimilation | Depth range: All Depths | Geographical range: All Geographic Regions | Phenomena: Biological Processes
Estimation of positive sum-to-one constrained zooplankton grazing preferences with the DEnKF: a twin experiment
E. Simon, A. Samuelsen, L. Bertino, and D. Dumont
Ocean Sci., 8, 587–602,,, 2012
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Short summary
Satellite observations of the ocean were combined with a numerical model to create simulations of the ocean state between 1998 and 2010. Relationships between physical and biogeochemical quantities were assessed to investigate whether observations of different variables are consistent in their representation of the Earth system. Good consistency was found. The results also highlighted ways in which the model could be improved and the respective impacts of using different observations.
Satellite observations of the ocean were combined with a numerical model to create simulations...