Articles | Volume 16, issue 6
Research article
09 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 09 Nov 2020

Influence of intraseasonal eastern boundary circulation variability on hydrography and biogeochemistry off Peru

Jan Lüdke, Marcus Dengler, Stefan Sommer, David Clemens, Sören Thomsen, Gerd Krahmann, Andrew W. Dale, Eric P. Achterberg, and Martin Visbeck

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Approach: In situ Observations | Depth range: Thermocline | Geographical range: Deep Seas: South Pacific | Phenomena: Temperature, Salinity and Density Fields
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Cited articles

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Bachèlery, M.-L., Illig, S., and Dadou, I.: Forcings of nutrient, oxygen, and primary production interannual variability in the southeast Atlantic Ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 8617–8625,, 2016. 
Bakun, A. and Nelson, C. S.: The Seasonal Cycle of Wind-Stress Curl in Subtropical Eastern Boundary Current Regions, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 21, 1815–1834,<1815:TSCOWS>2.0.CO;2, 1991. 
Belmadani, A., Echevin, V., Dewitte, B., and Colas, F.: Equatorially forced intraseasonal propagations along the Peru-Chile coast and their relation with the nearshore eddy activity in 1992–2000: A modeling study, J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 117, C04025,, 2012. 
Short summary
We analyse the intraseasonal variability of the alongshore circulation off Peru in early 2017, this circulation is very important for the supply of nutrients to the upwelling regime. The causes of this variability and its impact on the biogeochemistry are investigated. The poleward flow is strengthened during the observed time period, likely by a downwelling coastal trapped wave. The stronger current causes an increase in nitrate and reduces the deficit of fixed nitrogen relative to phosphorus.