Articles | Volume 16, issue 5
Research article
29 Oct 2020
Research article |  | 29 Oct 2020

Assimilation of chlorophyll data into a stochastic ensemble simulation for the North Atlantic Ocean

Yeray Santana-Falcón, Pierre Brasseur, Jean Michel Brankart, and Florent Garnier

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Biogeosciences, 21, 411–435,,, 2024
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Climatic Controls on Metabolic Constraints in the Ocean
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Revised manuscript under review for BG
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Approach: Data Assimilation | Depth range: All Depths | Geographical range: Deep Seas: North Atlantic | Phenomena: Biological Processes
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C. Fontana, P. Brasseur, and J.-M. Brankart
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Cited articles

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Aumont, O., Ethé, C., Tagliabue, A., Bopp, L., and Gehlen, M.: PISCES-v2: an ocean biogeochemical model for carbon and ecosystem studies, Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 2465–2513,, 2015. a, b
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Short summary
Data assimilation is the most comprehensive strategy to estimate the biogeochemical state of the ocean. Here, surface Chl a data are daily assimilated into a 24-member NEMO–PISCES ensemble configuration to implement a complete 4D assimilation system. Results show the assimilation increases the skills of the ensemble, though a regional diagnosis suggests that the description of model and observation uncertainties needs to be refined according to the biogeochemical characteristics of each region.