Articles | Volume 16, issue 1
Research article
21 Jan 2020
Research article |  | 21 Jan 2020

Quantifying the contribution of shipping NOx emissions to the marine nitrogen inventory – a case study for the western Baltic Sea

Daniel Neumann, Matthias Karl, Hagen Radtke, Volker Matthias, René Friedland, and Thomas Neumann

Data sets

Metadata for 'MOM-ERGOM western Baltic Sea simulations with tagging of atmospheric nitrogen deposition by CMAQ' D. Neumann, M. Karl, H. Radtke, and T. Neumann

Model code and software

coastDat-2 COSMO-CLM Atmospheric Reconstruction B. Geyer and B. Rockel

Short summary
The study evaluates how much bioavailable nitrogen is contributed to the nitrogen budget of the western Baltic Sea by deposition of shipping-emitted nitrogen oxides. Bioavailable nitrogen compounds are nutrients for phytoplankton (algae). Excessive input of nutrients into water bodies may lead to eutrophication: more algal blooms with subsequently more oxygen limitation at the seafloor. Hence, reducing shipping emissions might reduce the anthropogenic pressure on the marine ecosystem.