Articles | Volume 15, issue 3
Research article
13 Jun 2019
Research article |  | 13 Jun 2019

Analysis of the effect of fish oil on wind waves and implications for air–water interaction studies

Alvise Benetazzo, Luigi Cavaleri, Hongyu Ma, Shumin Jiang, Filippo Bergamasco, Wenzheng Jiang, Sheng Chen, and Fangli Qiao

Video supplement

Wave field in a wind tank: effect of a thin surface layer of fish oil Alvise Benetazzo, Luigi Cavaleri, Hongyu Ma, Shumin Jiang, Filippo Bergamasco, Wenzheng Jiang, Sheng Chen, and Fangli Qiao

Wave field in a wind and paddle tank: effect of a thin surface layer of fish oil Alvise Benetazzo, Luigi Cavaleri, Hongyu Ma, Shumin Jiang, Filippo Bergamasco, Wenzheng Jiang, Sheng Chen, and Fangli Qiao

Short summary
Inspired by the known virtue of fish oil to still angry seas, a study has been made on the interaction between wind waves, paddle waves, and airflow in a tank containing a thin fish-oil film. It is rather peculiar that in the wind-only condition the wave field does not grow from the rest condition. This equilibrium was altered by paddle waves. We stress the benefit of experiments with surfactants to disentangle relevant mechanisms involved in the air–sea interaction.