Articles | Volume 12, issue 3
Research article
27 May 2016
Research article |  | 27 May 2016

Multi-sensor in situ observations to resolve the sub-mesoscale features in the stratified Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea

Urmas Lips, Villu Kikas, Taavi Liblik, and Inga Lips


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Short summary
Multi-platform high-resolution observations in the Gulf of Finland in the summers of 2009–2012 revealed pronounced variability at the sub-mesoscale in the presence of mesoscale features, such as upwelling/downwelling events, fronts, and eddies. The analysis suggests that the sub-mesoscale processes could contribute considerably to the downscale energy cascade and play a major role in phytoplankton growth enhancement via vertical transport and re-stratification of the surface layer.