Articles | Volume 12, issue 2
Research article
12 Apr 2016
Research article |  | 12 Apr 2016

Seasonal hydrography and surface outflow in a fjord with a deep sill: the Reloncaví fjord, Chile

Manuel I. Castillo, Ursula Cifuentes, Oscar Pizarro, Leif Djurfeldt, and Mario Caceres

Data sets

Oceanografía del fiordo Reloncaví COPAS-SUR Austral

Datos hidrológicos en tiempo real, Chile Dirección General de Aguas

Short summary
The upper layer of the Reloncaví fjord, Chile, shows a continuous stratification year-round. Nevertheless, the vertical salt flux seems to be balanced by the horizontal salt flux, which maintains the amount of salt into the fjord nearly as a steady state. The upper layer shows a flushing time of about 3 days.