Articles | Volume 12, issue 6
Research article
22 Nov 2016
Research article |  | 22 Nov 2016

High-resolution monitoring of marine protists based on an observation strategy integrating automated on-board filtration and molecular analyses

Katja Metfies, Friedhelm Schroeder, Johanna Hessel, Jochen Wollschläger, Sebastian Micheller, Christian Wolf, Estelle Kilias, Pim Sprong, Stefan Neuhaus, Stephan Frickenhaus, and Wilhelm Petersen


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Short summary
Here we introduce a new molecular-based observation strategy for high-resolution assessment of marine microbes (e.g., microalgae) in space and time. The observation strategy combines automated sampling on board ships or observation platforms with a variety of different molecular genetic methods for refined observation of marine microbes at adaquate scales, in order to better understand the impact of climate change on this group of organisms, which are at the base of marine food webs.