Articles | Volume 12, issue 5
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© Author(s) 2016. This work is distributed under
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the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Seasonal variability of the Ekman transport and pumping in the upwelling system off central-northern Chile (∼ 30° S) based on a high-resolution atmospheric regional model (WRF)
Luis Bravo
Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas (CEAZA), Coquimbo,
Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar,
Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile
Millennium Nucleus for Ecology and Sustainable Management of Oceanic
Islands (ESMOI), Coquimbo, Chile
Marcel Ramos
Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar,
Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile
Millennium Nucleus for Ecology and Sustainable Management of Oceanic
Islands (ESMOI), Coquimbo, Chile
Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas (CEAZA), Coquimbo,
Centro de Innovación Acuícola Aquapacífico, Coquimbo,
Orlando Astudillo
Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas (CEAZA), Coquimbo,
Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales
(LEGOS), Toulouse, France
Boris Dewitte
Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales
(LEGOS), Toulouse, France
Millennium Nucleus for Ecology and Sustainable Management of Oceanic
Islands (ESMOI), Coquimbo, Chile
Katerina Goubanova
Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul
Scientifique (CERFACS), Toulouse, France
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41 citations as recorded by crossref.
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40 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Carbonate chemistry dynamics in shellfish farming areas along the Chilean coast: natural ranges and biological implications L. Saavedra et al. 10.1093/icesjms/fsaa127
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- Operational wind forecast over the offshore Campos basin and adjacent coastal region in Brazil: support for the oil and gas industry toward renewable energy transition M. Soares da Silva et al. 10.1007/s40722-024-00332-2
1 citations as recorded by crossref.
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Latest update: 07 Mar 2025
Short summary
We evaluated the seasonal variability in Ekman transport, pumping and their relative contribution to total upwelling along the central-northern Chile region (~30ºS) from a high-resolution atmospheric model simulation. The results showed that the relative contribution of Ekman transport and pumping to the vertical transport along the coast, considering the estimated wind drop-off length, indicated meridional alternation between both mechanisms, modulated by orography and the intricate coastline.
We evaluated the seasonal variability in Ekman transport, pumping and their relative...