Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
Research article
31 Aug 2015
Research article |  | 31 Aug 2015

Impact of currents on surface flux computations and their feedback on dynamics at regional scales

A. Olita, I. Iermano, L. Fazioli, A. Ribotti, C. Tedesco, F. Pessini, and R. Sorgente


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Short summary
The paper studies the impact of the use of relative winds (i.e., winds minus ocean currents) to compute heat and momentum fluxes at sea surface. This was done in an area interested by mesoscale eddies and a local boundary current. Impact is relevant both for heat and momentum fluxes. Major differences can be observed in areas with large mesoscale activity. Results suggest that surface currents component in fluxes computation should not be neglected even at such scales and latitudes.