Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
Research article
08 Jul 2015
Research article |  | 08 Jul 2015

The OceanFlux Greenhouse Gases methodology for deriving a sea surface climatology of CO2 fugacity in support of air–sea gas flux studies

L. M. Goddijn-Murphy, D. K. Woolf, P. E. Land, J. D. Shutler, and C. Donlon

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Cited articles

Dlugokencky, E. J., Masarie, K. A., Lang, P. M., and Tans, P. P.: NOAA Greenhouse Gas Reference from Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Dry Air Mole Fractions from the NOAA ESRL Carbon Cycle Cooperative Global Air Sampling Network, available at: (last access: 27 July 2014), 2014.
Dickson, A. G., Sabine, C. L., and Christian, J. R. (Eds.): Guide to best practices for ocean CO2 measurements, PICES Special Publication 3, IOCCP Report, 8, 191 pp., 2007.
Donlon, C. J., Nightingale, P. D., Sheasby, T., Turner, J., Robinson, I. S., and Emery, J.: Implications of the oceanic thermal skin temperature deviation at high wind speeds, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 2505–2508, 1999.
Donlon, C. J., Minnett, P., Gentemann, C., Nightingale, T. J., Barton, I. J., Ward, B., and Murray, J.: Towards improved validation of satellite sea surface skin temperature measurements for climate research, J. Climate, 15, 353–369, 2002.
Short summary
We describe the OceanFlux Greenhouse Gases methodology for creating an ocean surface CO2 climatology. In situ measurements valid for instantaneous sea surface temperature (SST) were recomputed using a more consistent and averaged SST. The results were normalised to year 2010, averaged by month, and interpolated onto a global 1°×1° grid. The 12 monthly distributions of ocean surface CO2 (see supplement) can be used in air-sea gas flux calculations together with climatologies of other variables.