Articles | Volume 20, issue 4
Research article
17 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 17 Jul 2024

Continued warming of deep waters in the Fram Strait

Salar Karam, Céline Heuzé, Mario Hoppmann, and Laura de Steur

Data sets

Moored current meter and hydrographic data from the Fram Strait Arctic Outflow Observatory since 2009 L. de Steur et al.

Physical oceanography and current meter data from mooring FEVI22 at Hausgarten IV E. Bauerfeind et al.

Physical oceanography and current meter data from mooring FEVI24 at Hausgarten IV E. Bauerfeind et al.

Physical oceanography and current meter data from mooring FEVI26 at Hausgarten IV E. Bauerfeind et al.

Physical oceanography and current meter data from mooring FEVI28 at Hausgarten IV E. Bauerfeind et al.

Physical oceanography and current meter data from mooring FEVI30 at Hausgarten IV E. Bauerfeind et al.

Physical oceanography and current meter data from mooring FEVI32 at Hausgarten IV I. Salter et al.

Raw data including physical oceanography from mooring HG-IV-FEVI-34 recovered during POLARSTERN cruise PS107 W.-J. von Appen

Raw data including physical oceanography from mooring HG-IV-FEVI-36 recovered during POLARSTERN cruise PS114 W.-J. von Appen

Raw physical oceanography, ocean current velocity and particle export data from mooring HG-IV-FEVI-38 in the Fram Strait, July 2018--August 2019 M. Hoppmann et al.

Raw physical oceanography and ocean current data from mooring HG-IV-FEVI-40 in the Fram Strait, August 2019--June 2021 M. Hoppmann et al.

Raw physical oceanography and ocean current velocity data from mooring HG-IV-FEVI-42 in the Fram Strait, June 2021--July 2022 M. Hoppmann et al.

Physical oceanography data (1981 to 2015) Norwegian Polar Institute

Data collected during the KV Svalbard cruise in 2007 P. A. Dodd and E. Hansen

Data collected during the KV Svalbard cruise in 2008 P. A. Dodd and E. Hansen

CTD profiles from NPI cruise FS2017 to the Fram Strait including auxiliary sensors P. A. Dodd et al.

CTD profiles from NPI cruise FS2015 to the Fram Strait including auxiliary sensors P. A. Dodd et al.

CTD profiles from NPI cruise FS2016 to the Fram Strait including auxiliary sensors P. A. Dodd et al.

CTD profiles from NPI cruise FS2020 to the Fram Strait including auxiliary sensors P. A. Dodd et al.

CTD profiles from NPI cruise AO-2022 across the Nansen and Amundsen Basins of the Arctic Ocean and core parameters measured from niskin bottle samples P. A. Dodd et al.

CTD profiles from NPI cruise FS2018 to the Fram Strait including auxiliary sensors P. A. Dodd et al.

CTD profiles from NPI cruise FS2019 to the Fram Strait including auxiliary sensors P. A. Dodd et al.

CTD profiles from NPI cruise FS2014 to the Fram Strait including auxiliary sensors P. A. Dodd et al.

CTD profiles from NPI cruise FS2021 to the Fram Strait including auxiliary sensors P. A. Dodd et al.

CTD data from NERC Changing Arctic Ocean Cruise JR17005 on the RRS James Clark Ross, May--June 2018 (version 2) J. Hopkins et al.

Physical oceanography based on ship CTD during POLARSTERN cruise PS122 S. Tippenhauer et al.

Physical Oceanography during ODEN expedition SO21 for the Synoptic Arctic Survey C. Heuze et al.

Short summary
A long-term mooring array in the Fram Strait allows for an evaluation of decadal trends in temperature in this major oceanic gateway into the Arctic. Since the 1980s, the deep waters of the Greenland Sea and the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic have warmed rapidly at a rate of 0.11°C and 0.05°C per decade, respectively, at a depth of 2500 m. We show that the temperatures of the two basins converged around 2017 and that the deep waters of the Greenland Sea are now a heat source for the Arctic Ocean.