Articles | Volume 20, issue 6
Research article
17 Dec 2024
Research article |  | 17 Dec 2024

Contrasting two major Arctic coastal polynyas: the role of sea ice in driving diel vertical migrations of zooplankton in the Laptev and Beaufort seas

Igor A. Dmitrenko, Vladislav Petrusevich, Andreas Preußer, Ksenia Kosobokova, Caroline Bouchard, Maxime Geoffroy, Alexander S. Komarov, David G. Babb, Sergei A. Kirillov, and David G. Barber

Data sets

ADCP data from moorings Khatanga, Anabar, CA05, and CA08 Igor Dmitrenko

Short summary
The diel vertical migration (DVM) of zooplankton is one of the largest species migrations to occur globally and is a key driver of regional ecosystems. Here, time series of acoustic data collected at the circumpolar Arctic polynya system were used to examine the annual cycle of DVM. We revealed that the formation of polynya open water disrupts DVM. This disruption is attributed to a predator avoidance behavior of zooplankton in response to higher polar cod abundance attracted by the polynya.