Articles | Volume 20, issue 6
Research article
25 Nov 2024
Research article |  | 25 Nov 2024

Tide–surge interaction observed at Singapore and the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia using a semi-empirical model

Zhi Yang Koh, Benjamin S. Grandey, Dhrubajyoti Samanta, Adam D. Switzer, Benjamin P. Horton, Justin Dauwels, and Lock Yue Chew

Data sets

Unified tidal analysis and prediction using the UTide Matlab functions D. Codiga

Sea level measured by tide gauges from global oceans as part of the Joint Archive for Sea Level (JASL) since 1846 P. C. Caldwell et al.

ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1940 to present H. Hersbach et al.

The GEBCO_2023 Grid – a continuous terrain model of the global oceans and land GEBCO Compilation Group

Model code and software

TSI-SGMY: Analysis Code for "Tide-Surge Interaction observed at Singapore and the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia using a Semi-empirical Model" Z. Y. Koh

Short summary
Identifying tide–surge interaction (TSI) is a complex task. We enhance existing statistical methods with a more-robust test that accounts for complex tides. We also develop a semi-empirical model to investigate the influence of one mechanism of TSI, tidal-phase alteration. We apply these techniques to tide-gauge records from Singapore and the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. We find TSI at all studied locations: tidal-phase alteration can change the timing of large surges.