Articles | Volume 19, issue 3
Research article
28 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 28 Jun 2023

Factors influencing the meridional width of the equatorial deep jets

Swantje Bastin, Martin Claus, Richard J. Greatbatch, and Peter Brandt

Data sets

Supplementary dataset and scripts to Bastin et al.: Factors influencing the meridional width of the equatorial deep jets (Ocean Science) Swantje Bastin, Martin Claus, Richard J. Greatbatch, Peter Brandt

Short summary
Equatorial deep jets are ocean currents that flow along the Equator in the deep oceans. They are relevant for oxygen transport and tropical surface climate, but their dynamics are not yet entirely understood. We investigate different factors leading to the jets being broader than theory predicts. Mainly using an ocean model, but corroborating the results with shipboard observations, we show that loss of momentum is the main factor for the broadening but that meandering also contributes.