Articles | Volume 19, issue 2
Research article
17 Apr 2023
Research article |  | 17 Apr 2023

Multiple mechanisms for chlorophyll a concentration variations in coastal upwelling regions: a case study east of Hainan Island in the South China Sea

Junyi Li, Min Li, Chao Wang, Quanan Zheng, Ying Xu, Tianyu Zhang, and Lingling Xie

Data sets

shipboard.mat Junyi Li

Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Database China Meteorological Administration

Short summary
This study reports the existence of a relatively-low-productivity area of upwelling east of Hainan Island (UEH), which is inconsistent with previous cognition. The reason for this phenomenon is the crucial role of the Guangdong Coastal Current and precipitation. The current and precipitation would induce a high productivity, which is interrupted by the upwelling processes. Therefore, the upwelling has a relatively limited effect on the Chl a concentration in the UEH area.