Articles | Volume 19, issue 2
Research article
07 Mar 2023
Research article |  | 07 Mar 2023

Revisiting the tropical Atlantic western boundary circulation from a 25-year time series of satellite altimetry data

Djoirka Minto Dimoune, Florence Birol, Fabrice Hernandez, Fabien Léger, and Moacyr Araujo

Data sets

Transports and pathways of the tropical AMOC return flow from Argo data and shipboard velocity measurements F. P. Tuchen, P. Brandt, J. Lübbecke, and R. Hummels

ERA5 monthly averaged data on single levels from 1959 to present H. Hersbach, B. Bell, P. Berrisford, G. Biavati, A. Horányi, J. Muñoz Sabater, J. Nicolas, C. Peubey, R. Radu, I. Rozum, D. Schepers, A. Simmons, C. Soci, D. Dee, and J.-N. Thépaut

Short summary
Altimeter-derived currents are used here to revisit the seasonal and interannual variability of all surface currents involved in the western tropical Atlantic circulation. A new approach based on the calculation of the current strengths and core positions is used to investigate the relationship between the currents, the remote wind variability, and the tropical Atlantic modes. The results show relationships at the seasonal and interannual timescale depending on the location of the currents.