Articles | Volume 19, issue 5
Research article
06 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 06 Oct 2023

Ocean 2D eddy energy fluxes from small mesoscale processes with SWOT

Elisa Carli, Rosemary Morrow, Oscar Vergara, Robin Chevrier, and Lionel Renault

Data sets

SWOT Simulator for Ocean Science, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology C. Ubelmann, L. Gaultier, L.-L. Fu, and F. Briol

LLC4320 surface fields A. Ponte

Short summary
Oceanic eddies are the structures carrying most of the energy in our oceans. They are key to climate regulation and nutrient transport. We prepare for the Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission, studying eddy dynamics in the region south of Africa, where the Indian and Atlantic oceans meet, using models and simulated satellite data. SWOT will provide insights into the structures smaller than what is currently observable, which appear to greatly contribute to eddy kinetic energy and strain.