Articles | Volume 17, issue 4
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© Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under
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Laboratory experiments on the influence of stratification and a bottom sill on seiche damping
Karim Medjdoub
von Kármán Laboratory of Environmental Flows; Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány P. sétány 1/A, 1117 Budapest, Hungary
Imre M. Jánosi
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Nöthnitzer Str. 38, 01187 Dresden, Germany
University of Public Service, Faculty of Water Sciences, Ludovika sqr. 1, 1083 Budapest, Hungary
von Kármán Laboratory of Environmental Flows; Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány P. sétány 1/A, 1117 Budapest, Hungary
MTA-ELTE Theoretical Physics Research Group, Pázmány P. sétány 1/A, 1117 Budapest, Hungary
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Akos Kalman, Timor Katz, Miklos Vincze, Jake Longenecker, Alysse Mathalon, Paul Hill, and Beverly Goodman-Tchernov
EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS).
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Flash floods significantly impact terrestrial and marine systems, yet research tracing their entire path from atmospheric origins to sediment deposition is limited. Our study bridges this gap by analyzing satellite data, meteorological reports, and in-situ floodwater and sediment measurements. Findings reveal links between atmospheric disturbances, flood dynamics, and sediment transport, enhancing understanding of how extreme weather affects hyperarid coastal urbanized areas and marine systems.
Imre M. Jánosi, Holger Kantz, Jason A. C. Gallas, and Miklós Vincze
Ocean Sci., 18, 1361–1375,,, 2022
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Surface flow fields of the global oceans are dominated by so-called mesoscale (50–300 km) eddies. They usually drift westward at a few kilometers per day, transporting mass, temperature, chlorophyll, and debris. There are several methods to identify and track eddies based on satellite measurements, some of them very computationally demanding. Here we extend a recently proposed simple procedure to the global scale, which gives quick coarse-grained statistics on mesoscale vortex properties.
Costanza Rodda, Uwe Harlander, and Miklos Vincze
Weather Clim. Dynam., 3, 937–950,,, 2022
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We report on a set of laboratory experiments that reproduce a global warming scenario. The experiments show that a decreased temperature difference between the poles and subtropics slows down the eastward propagation of the mid-latitude weather patterns. Another consequence is that the temperature variations diminish, and hence extreme temperature events might become milder in a global warming scenario. Our experiments also show that the frequency of such events increases.
Imre M. Jánosi, Amin Padash, Jason A. C. Gallas, and Holger Kantz
Ocean Sci., 18, 307–320,,, 2022
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Short summary
Spectacular climatic phenomena such as El Nino—La Nina oscillations are connected with large-scale rearrangements of oceanic surface flow patterns. In order to get a better insight into the dynamics of such changes, we performed numerical experiments on the advection of 6600 water parcels in the focal area. Surface flow fields were taken from the AVISO data bank. A simple stochastic model (fractional Brownian motion) with only two parameters nicely reproduced the statistics of advection.
Imre M. Jánosi, Miklós Vincze, Gábor Tóth, and Jason A. C. Gallas
Ocean Sci., 15, 941–949,,, 2019
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Mesoscale eddies are ubiquitous swirling flow patterns in the open ocean with diameters of around 100 km. They transport a huge amount of heat and material and are therefore key elements of the “weather” of the ocean. Using satellite-based ocean surface elevation, we found that the combined global effect of all mesoscale eddies can be treated as a single strong “super-vortex”. This finding can be helpful to estimate the energy budget of ocean regions where only sparse field data are available.
P. I. Orvos, V. Homonnai, A. Várai, Z. Bozóki, and I. M. Jánosi
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 4, 189–196,,, 2015
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Short summary
The remotely sensed drought severity index (DSI) records compiled by Mu et al. (2013) exhibit significant local trends in several geographic areas. Since the interpretation of DSI values and trends depend on several local factors, standard field significance tests cannot provide more reliable results than the presented local trend survey. The observed continent-wide trends might be related to a slow (decadal) mode of climate variability, a link to global climate change cannot be established.
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Short summary
In our laboratory experiments we addressed the question of how surface standing waves in a closed stratified basin are damped by the interaction of the flow in the bulk with a sill-like bottom obstacle reaching up to a density interface between the more saline deep layer and the freshwater layer at the top. We quantify the decay rates of the surface waves and explore what types of internal waves can be excited in this process along the internal density interface.
In our laboratory experiments we addressed the question of how surface standing waves in a...