Articles | Volume 17, issue 4
Research article
05 Aug 2021
Research article |  | 05 Aug 2021

Global contributions of mesoscale dynamics to meridional heat transport

Andrew Delman and Tong Lee

Data sets

Global ocean gridded L4 sea surface heights and derived variables reprocessed (1993-ongoing) Copernicus Marine Service

Model code and software

Parallel Ocean Program 2.1 source code Los Alamos National Laboratory and National Center for Atmospheric Research

Short summary
This study quantifies the influence of ocean eddies and other mesoscale phenomena (spanning 50–1000 km) on heat movement. The method used gives different results than earlier studies by classifying motions based on their variation in space, not time. The effect of major ocean currents on heat movement in the ocean depends on the currents' mesoscale structure. Mesoscale processes also impact year-to-year changes in heat movement, especially at middle latitudes and in the tropical Pacific.