Articles | Volume 16, issue 1
Research article
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20 Jan 2020
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 20 Jan 2020

Why did deep convection persist over four consecutive winters (2015–2018) southeast of Cape Farewell?

Patricia Zunino, Herlé Mercier, and Virginie Thierry


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Short summary
The region south of Cape Farewell (SCF) is recognized as a deep convection site. Convection deeper than 1300 m occurred SCF in 2015 and persisted during three additional winters. Extreme air–sea buoyancy fluxes caused the 2015 event. For the following winters, air–sea fluxes were close to the climatological average, but local cooling above 800 m and the advection below 1200 m of a fresh anomaly from the Labrador Sea decreased stratification and allowed for the persistence of deep convection.