Articles | Volume 16, issue 3
Research article
26 May 2020
Research article |  | 26 May 2020

Very high-resolution modelling of submesoscale turbulent patterns and processes in the Baltic Sea

Reiner Onken, Burkard Baschek, and Ingrid M. Angel-Benavides

Video supplement

The evolution of a submesoscale spiral R. Onken, B. Baschek, and I. Angel-Benavides

Short summary
In order to provide an aid for the interpretation of observations of the formation, structure, and dynamics of submesoscale patterns, a numerical model is applied in a double-offline-nested setup to a sub-area of the Baltic Sea. A model with 500 m horizontal resolution is nested into an existing operational model in order to create a realistic mesoscale environment. Turbulent patterns with horizontal scales < 1 km are resolved by a second nest with 100 m resolution.