Articles | Volume 16, issue 3
Research article
04 May 2020
Research article |  | 04 May 2020

Vertical distribution of water mass properties under the influence of subglacial discharge in Bowdoin Fjord, northwestern Greenland

Yoshihiko Ohashi, Shigeru Aoki, Yoshimasa Matsumura, Shin Sugiyama, Naoya Kanna, and Daiki Sakakibara


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Short summary
Subglacial freshwater discharge affects fjord circulation, material transport, and biological productivity. To better understand the influence of subglacial discharge on properties of vertical water mass profiles of Bowdoin Fjord in northwestern Greenland, observations and numerical experiments were conducted. The vertical distributions of turbid freshwater outflow near the surface and at the subsurface were likely due to the amount of subglacial discharge and fjord stratification, respectively.