Articles | Volume 15, issue 1
Research article
01 Mar 2019
Research article |  | 01 Mar 2019

The Copernicus Surface Velocity Platform drifter with Barometer and Reference Sensor for Temperature (SVP-BRST): genesis, design, and initial results

Paul Poli, Marc Lucas, Anne O'Carroll, Marc Le Menn, Arnaud David, Gary K. Corlett, Pierre Blouch, David Meldrum, Christopher J. Merchant, Mathieu Belbeoch, and Kai Herklotz

Data sets

Preliminary data collected by 2 prototype Surface Velocity Platform drifters with Barometer and Reference Sensor for Temperature (SVP-BRST) P. Poli, M. Lucas, A. O'Carroll, M. Le Menn, and A. David

Short summary
Earth observation satellites routinely monitor sea-surface temperature. However, they require in situ references for calibration and validation. To support this step, drifting buoys carrying sensors with improved calibration were deployed. This paper finds that sea state and immersion depth are important to better understand the buoy measurements. A new drifting buoy was designed as a result, in the framework of the European Union Copernicus program, with an accuracy found to be within 0.01 °C.