Articles | Volume 15, issue 5
Research article
07 Oct 2019
Research article |  | 07 Oct 2019

The Pelagic In situ Observation System (PELAGIOS) to reveal biodiversity, behavior, and ecology of elusive oceanic fauna

Henk-Jan Hoving, Svenja Christiansen, Eduard Fabrizius, Helena Hauss, Rainer Kiko, Peter Linke, Philipp Neitzel, Uwe Piatkowski, and Arne Körtzinger

Data sets

Data from video supporting the technological description of the pelagic in situ observation system PELAGIOS H.-J. T. Hoving, S. Christiansen, E. Fabrizius, H. Hauss, R. Kiko, P. Linke, P. Neitzel, U. Piatkowski, and A. Körtzinger

Short summary
The pelagic in situ observation system (PELAGIOS) is a towed observation system with HD video camera and environmental sensors. It is used for pelagic video transects down to 3000 m. The system enables the visualization and exploration of pelagic organisms (> 1 cm), in particular delicate gelatinous fauna, which cannot be captured by nets. The video and hydrographic data give insight into the biodiversity, abundance, and distribution of oceanic pelagic organisms from the surface to the deep sea.