Articles | Volume 15, issue 5
Research article
16 Sep 2019
Research article |  | 16 Sep 2019

Synoptic-scale variability of surface winds and ocean response to atmospheric forcing in the eastern austral Pacific Ocean

Iván Pérez-Santos, Romanet Seguel, Wolfgang Schneider, Pamela Linford, David Donoso, Eduardo Navarro, Constanza Amaya-Cárcamo, Elías Pinilla, and Giovanni Daneri


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Short summary
Satellite wind data were used to understand surface wind variability in the eastern austral Pacific Ocean, a region dominated generally by strong westerlies, but the empirical orthogonal function demonstrated that wind variability was dominated by a synoptic scale. Nighttime heatwave events were detected to produce air temperature maxima which exceeded the normal midday maxima caused by solar radiation. Downwelling conditions prevailed in the study region due to onshore Ekman transport.