Articles | Volume 14, issue 1
Research article
01 Feb 2018
Research article |  | 01 Feb 2018

South Atlantic meridional transports from NEMO-based simulations and reanalyses

Davi Mignac, David Ferreira, and Keith Haines

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Approach: Numerical Models | Depth range: All Depths | Geographical range: Deep Seas: South Atlantic | Phenomena: Current Field
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Cited articles

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Short summary
Four ocean reanalyses and two free-running models are compared to study the meridional transports in the South Atlantic. We analyse the underlying causes of the product differences in an attempt to understand the potential impact (and limitations) of the data assimilation (DA) in improving the simulated ocean states. The DA schemes can consistently constrain the basin interior transports, but not the overturning circulation dominated by the narrow South Atlantic western boundary currents.