Articles | Volume 14, issue 3
Research article
11 Jun 2018
Research article |  | 11 Jun 2018

Numerical study of hydrodynamic and salinity transport processes in the Pink Beach wetlands of the Liao River estuary, China

Huiting Qiao, Mingliang Zhang, Hengzhi Jiang, Tianping Xu, and Hongxing Zhang


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Short summary
Suaeda heteroptera is a dominant species in the wetlands of the Liao River estuary and a typical saline–alkaline indicator plant, which is distributed on coastal tidal flats, forming a rare natural pink beach landscape. The MIKE 21 model is used to simulate the hydrodynamic characteristics and salinity transport processes in this region. The results of this study are important for furthering the understanding of suitable circumstances for vegetation growth in the Pink Beach wetlands.