A review on the revised manuscript, "Biological data assimilation for parameter estimation of a phytoplankton functional type model for the western North Pacific", by Hoshiba et al.
Having look the revised Fig. 3 and associated results, I found the parameter estimation by genetic algorithm gives a reasonable result and the manuscript is now ready for scientific discussion and review. As a whole, the manuscript was substantially improved in comparison to the one for the first submission, while there are some important points, for which more explanations/clarifications are necessary; many figures need to be improved; some part of the text should be rewritten for readability. For these reasons another round of revision is necessary.
- Introduction gives concise and good summary for previous work, and points out the necessity of the current work.
- line 56. ".. classical Michaelis-Menten equation .." needs reference.
- line 69-71. Again I have a question/concern about the use of physical field obtained from data assimilation, particularly since a 3D-Var system is used in this study. In reply to referee #1, the authors wrote "The physical field used in the offline ecosystem model (NSI-MEM) does not satisfy the mass conservation, but the passive tracers of the NSI-MEM in the offline setting do not have artificial sink/source without other boundary forcing and correction terms". I don't really understand how the authors achieve such a set-up, since the conservation of passive tracers depends on the conservation of the physical field (i.e., volume). The passive tracers in LTL models are generally represented by concentration in a grid cell. If there is an increment of SSH by assimilation, the volume of the corresponding cell changes, which automatically leads to change of passive tracer amount (if you don't change the concentration). How did the authors handle this issue? If the authors implemented a scheme which preserves amount of passive tracers even with the volume change, then the concentration of passive tracers undergoes artificial change. How much impact do you see in this case? I'm asking this question because the observed and modeled vertical section of T (Fig. 7) exhibits difference around the inter-gyre boundary (approx. 40 degree N), implying not a small amount of SSH increment might be added in this frontal zone. I think this is an important point to be checked and discussed somewhere in the manuscript before going LTL model analyses, since a use of assimilated physical field for ecosystem modeling is (probably) one of the way to go in the future.
- line 82. The authors describe "iron supply was only from the dust in the model setting", while in introduction they pointed out that "The source of iron for the WNP region is not only from air-born dust but also from iron transported in the intermediate water from the Sea of Okhotsk to the Oyashio region" (line 31-33), which seems to me contradicting. A justification for the model setup or discussion on the effect of missing iron source is necessary.
- line 95-102. The authors conduct a model run with SST-dependent physiological parameters, while at the same time they also stated physiological parameters (may) change with other conditions e.g., nutrient abundance, light intensity (line 303- ). An explanation is necessary here, why the authors chose SST field to smooth the transition between the two assimilated stations.
- line 107. "The parameters values" --> "The parameter values".
- line 107-108. Why the authors selected the specific year 1998? I asked this question in my first review but the authors did not provide reasonable answer. I'm asking this question because a parameter estimation by multi-year condition gives more reliable result. If you use the data from short period, the estimated parameters may be deformed so as to make best much for specific condition. In such a case you lose generality of the estimated parameters and difficult to apply them for interpretation of plankton physiology.
- line 167-184. Now I found the result is reasonable and the GA optimization works well.
- line 203-209. What can we learn from this analysis? It looks to me just giving a duplicated information with Fig. 9. If the authors intend to keep this part, more explanation is needed for the purpose and necessity of this analysis.
- line 230. The construction of the sentence seems strange.
- line 233. "maximum" --> "the maximum".
- line 229-249. Some sentences are tedious and preventing easy-reading. For instance, line 233-236 "At St. S1, the timing of (the) maximum phytoplankton ... " can be shorten as "At St. S1, OPT case reasonably captures the timing of the phytoplankton bloom, although the amplitude is slightly overestimated." Readers already know that you compare CTRL and OPT in this section, therefore you don't have to repeat "compared to CTRL case" many times.
- In relation to the above comment, I suggest to use short abbreviations, e.g., control case --> CTRL, parameter-optimised case --> OPT, SST-dependent case --> T-OPT etc. for easy-reading.
- line 263-265. This is one of the interesting results of this study (from my point of view), since you quantitatively showed how much difference occurs on the simulated biomass due to effect of horizontal advection, using 1D and 3D models which have exactly the same LTL model function. I suggest to briefly mention this in conclusion.
- line 263 and error bars in Fig. 8 and 10. Why the authors employ 0.3 degree range to define the uncertainty? Is this an autocorrelation scale of observed chlorophyll (Fig. 8) or ocean structure (Fig. 10)? An explanation or justification is needed (you can easily find such scale estimates in literature).
- line 286-287. I don't understand the meaning of this sentence. What is the verb of this sentence?
- line 322-325. I am skeptical to the statement in this paragraph. If we see the prescribed range (i.e., min and max) and estimated values of parameters in Table 2, many parameters go to its upper or lower prescribed bounds, indicating the optimization result (i.e., optimized parameter set) is strongly constrained by the prescribed bounds. In other words, the GA optimization did not search the entire parameter space freely due to the bounds. This means that the consistency between the physiological parameters and those obtained from in-situ observation (line 323) is not necessarily guaranteed by the current experiment setup (the consistency is already imposed in the experiment design). If the authors really intend to confirm the consistency, the prescribed ranges should be widen beyond the current ranges, and see whether the parameters still stay within the range of in-situ estimated values. From this point of view, I suggest to revise the concluding sentence.
- The quality of the figures is very poor and is not suitable for publication (except Fig. 2). They should be totally redrawn.
-- Fig. 3. Use a log-scale for the ordinate, otherwise it is difficult to distinguish PL lines in panel (b).
-- Fig. 6, 7, 10 and 11. Use the same vertical range for consistency.
-- Fig. 3, 8, 10, 11. Apply a consistent manner for color and line type in these figures, e.g., dotted-line for 1D case, solid-line for 3D case; red line for CTRL, blue line for OPT, green line for T-OPT, black line for OBS. etc. The different rules between different figures makes readers confused.
-- Fig 8 and 10. Use color shade (with transparency) instead of the error bars. In some cases the error bars are stacked each other and not distinguishable.
-- Fig 11. "(/day)" --> "[day^{-1}]".
-- Fig. 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12. Divisions and labels for abscissa, ordinate and color bars should be reconsidered for easy-reading.
-- Fig. 3, 8, 9, 10, 11. Put appropriate legend for line type and color with examples, in empty space in panels.
-- Fig. 1. Use the same panel size for (a), (b) and (c), since the practical information in each panel is nearly the same. |