Articles | Volume 14, issue 1
Research article
21 Feb 2018
Research article |  | 21 Feb 2018

Observations of brine plumes below melting Arctic sea ice

Algot K. Peterson

Data sets

N-ICE2015 ocean turbulent fluxes from under-ice turbulent cluster Peterson, A. K., Fer, I., Randelhoff, A., Meyer, A., Håvik, L., Smedsrud, L. H., Onarheim, I. H., Muijlwick, M., Sundfjord, A., and M. G. McPhee

N-ICE2015 ocean microstructure profiles (MSS90L) Meyer, A., Fer, I., Sundfjord, A., Peterson, A. K., Smedsrud, L. H., Muijlwick, M., Randelhoff, A., Håvik, L., Koenig, Z., Onarheim, I. H., Davies, P., Miguet, J., and N. Kusse-Tiuz

N-ICE2015 ice core physics: temperature, salinity and density Gerland, S., Granskog, M. A., King, J., and A. Rösel

N-ICE2015 surface meteorology Hudson, S. R., Cohen, L., and V. Walden

N-ICE2015 ice thickness from hot wires A. Rösel, M. Bratrein, J. A. King, P. Itkin, D. Divine, Å Ervik, J.-C. Gallet, A. Gierisch, J. Haapala, A. Oikkonen, G. E. Liston, M. Nicolaus, C. M. Polashenski, G. Spreen, S. Gerland, M. A. Granskog, and D. K. Perovich

Short summary
This study presents observations of brine descending from melting Arctic sea ice. The brine passed an under-ice turbulence instrument in plumes and was associated with very high heat fluxes. The salt flux indicates that the melting sea ice lost most of its salt content during the observations. The observations provide evidence of a desalination process not previously reported from drifting Arctic sea ice and is an important contribution to understanding ice–ocean interaction during melt.