Articles | Volume 13, issue 6
Research article
28 Nov 2017
Research article |  | 28 Nov 2017

The spatial and interannual dynamics of the surface water carbonate system and air–sea CO2 fluxes in the outer shelf and slope of the Eurasian Arctic Ocean

Irina I. Pipko, Svetlana P. Pugach, Igor P. Semiletov, Leif G. Anderson, Natalia E. Shakhova, Örjan Gustafsson, Irina A. Repina, Eduard A. Spivak, Alexander N. Charkin, Anatoly N. Salyuk, Kseniia P. Shcherbakova, Elena V. Panova, and Oleg V. Dudarev


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Short summary
The study of the outer shelf and the continental slope waters of the Eurasian Arctic seas has revealed a general trend in the surface pCO2 distribution, which manifested as an increase in pCO2 values eastward. It has been shown that the influence of terrestrial discharge on the carbonate system of East Siberian Arctic sea surface waters is not limited to the shallow shelf and that contemporary climate change impacts the carbon cycle of the Eurasian Arctic Ocean and influences air–sea CO2 flux.