Articles | Volume 13, issue 5
Research article
31 Aug 2017
Research article |  | 31 Aug 2017

Study on organic matter fractions in the surface microlayer in the Baltic Sea by spectrophotometric and spectrofluorometric methods

Violetta Drozdowska, Iwona Wrobel, Piotr Markuszewski, Przemysław Makuch, Anna Raczkowska, and Piotr Kowalczuk


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Short summary
The studies on the absorption and fluorescence properties of the organic molecules included in surface microlayer (SML) and subsurface (SS) waters confirm that (i) the process of the structural changes in molecules of HMW to LMW, due to effects of photo- and biodegradation, occurs faster in the SML than in the SS; (ii) the organic molecules contained in the SML have a smaller molecular mass than in the SS. Hence, SML can specifically modify the physical processes associated with the sea surface.